Ferrah Update

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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Our vet has been here three times since Ferrah got sick, and she came the last time on her own time and didn't charge us.

Ferrah is still eating and drinking, but everything she does is slow, lethargic and she has none of the pep and zip she normall has. She has had a lamness exam, blood tests, x-rays and a scope put down her throat (not sure what that is called). So far the vet has found nothing wrong.

She is calling a colleague in another town to see if he will have any suggestions.

In the meantime I have tried to perk her up by spending time with her, taking her on walks and such. I even tried moving the paddock arrangements around to see if she just didn't like a neighbor or something. Nothing has perked her up.

I am starting to get worried now. Is Ferrah just getting old?
I would call an animal communicator. They can ask what is wrong, and it's probably not nearly as costly as having vets keep coming out. Even if you don't believe in them, what can it hurt? One I know of(and know he is not a fraud) is Bruce Butcher He charges one dollar a minute(it does seem like a lot, but it shouldn't take that long for him to ask her what is wrong. I'm not sure if the link is right or not, I just typed it in off the top of my head.)
Nothing to lose by asking Bonny either. But if it's any comfort (and having had my old man scare me the same kind of way in the last year I know what you're going through), no, I don't think she's suddenly getting old. Old age hits gradually and subtly, and if there's a sudden down-slide it's usually due to a change in the weather like a cold spell that is hard on their joints or heat that they just can't deal with like they used to. Or tooth problems, or thyroid issues, etc., but those are all things your vet should have caught if they were at issue.

I'm worried for you and your lovely Ferrah. Try an animal communicator, it's cheaper than another vet visit and Ferrah might be able to tell you where she hurts or what she's feeling. We all know there's something "not right" with her right now and that's scary. Maybe with more information to go on the vet will find the problem. You are both in my prayers.


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