Fever Pictures

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
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Sadly, my family does nt own a digital camera so I don't post pictures very often of my boy, Fever. Well, this weekend my aunt was visiting and LOVES Fever so she took some pictures and sent them to me. Here are a few!



I'm gettin the x's so can't see Fever. Would love to though.
Pretty! I had to copy the picture properties to see them.
[SIZE=14pt]OOOHHH!! AHHH! I like him alot! He is beautiful Becky!
I too copied propertoes to see them. I'm proud of myself I figures it out how

Anyway he's a beautiful boy and you are very attractive too if I may say so! Gosh look at your weather!

We have tons of snow and it's 16° out right now and to be -2° tonight! Carl went out and stalled the horses and combed off all the ice from their coats and gave warm soaked beet pulp, so Fever is one lucky boy indeed
What a pretty boy he is indeed! Thanks for sharing, I always like to look at pics when I have the time and especially if they have spots!
Hes to cute!! Look at all those spots
I want one. I need one! I dont have any spots in my barn
Thanks for shareing your pictures with us!
Hey Becky..

He looks really great! He is the one by RF Bars Spectacular, correct? He looks SOO much like his great grandsire, Tiny Tim.... he really reminds me of him, here is a photo of Tiny Tim...


He sure has that RF Bar look to him... the ranch dispersed to due the health issues of the owners... (Louie Fontes is now 83...) I spent almost 16 wonderful years training and showing for them and managing the ranch...

Best of luck with him! Do you have any showing plans for him?

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Thank you for all the complements, he's a wonderful boy!

Aww, but Kim you can come out and visit him when ever you want!

Suzy- I wasn't planning on showing but I just might have to at some point LOL!
Oh! I want to see him but am only getting "user posted image". I will try again tomorrow. Sometimes the DSL at the office makes a difference in what the computer shows me!!! I am sure he is looking good and looking loud
In the pictures I've seen before, he reminds me a lot of my leopard gelding colt, Appy Hollow Jack of Diamonds
All I got are the red x's, but I copied and pasted to my Word, and he is a very gorgeous boy.

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