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Finally brought my baby home today!! >.> I actually stuck him in the back of my car and drove him home. I only lived like 1/2 a mile down the road.
We made a tiny paddock for him and he's got a barn/calf barn to keep warm in. I have him in there as of now so the other horses can get used to him... I have bigger horses like 3 times the size of him. There 14.2 hands and 14.3 hands. The 14.3 hand one has had foals before so I figured she'd be more excepting of Thunder then my other mare would be. Considering she has a fear of mini's.
Turns out my mare with the fear of mini's was more excepting then my mare who has had foals before. She tried biting him 3 or 4 times. I'm not talking nips she was out for blood so to speak. She bit him twice, of course the little fuzzball didn't notice because right now all he is, is fluff so she got nothing. Just made his rear-end slobbery.
He's gotten out four times already. Went running down the pasture screaming. My mares kept running him off like they do with any other horse till they feel its okay to let them join the "herd". So they've already been introduced...On accident xD!
Question about feeding scheduled. The pasture he is in, it is winter here like most places and the grass has a brown tint to it but is still very much green. I know mini's are very prone to founder so I'm not sure how I should keep the feeding schedule going. I was thinking a 12 hour schedule. From like 8 in the morning to 8 at night. Then stall him with some hay(or not??) and let him out again at eight in the morning to graze again. Or should I just let him graze all the time but feed no grain or hay?
Second question is the fencing around his little paddock area is 4 foot high. The gait is 2 and a half foot high taller them him. He some how managed to jump and CLEAR it 4 times before we finally got it fixed to were he couldn't. How high can miniatures actually jump? I mean whats the highest they CAN jump? I do plan on making him a jumper, as this isn't the first time he's cleared something by jumped that's bigger then him. He's only 9 months old.... I don't think I'll start training him to actually jump till he's around 3 and a half... I plan to also break him out and use him for cart.
Where do you get into jumping competitions??
We made a tiny paddock for him and he's got a barn/calf barn to keep warm in. I have him in there as of now so the other horses can get used to him... I have bigger horses like 3 times the size of him. There 14.2 hands and 14.3 hands. The 14.3 hand one has had foals before so I figured she'd be more excepting of Thunder then my other mare would be. Considering she has a fear of mini's.
Turns out my mare with the fear of mini's was more excepting then my mare who has had foals before. She tried biting him 3 or 4 times. I'm not talking nips she was out for blood so to speak. She bit him twice, of course the little fuzzball didn't notice because right now all he is, is fluff so she got nothing. Just made his rear-end slobbery.
He's gotten out four times already. Went running down the pasture screaming. My mares kept running him off like they do with any other horse till they feel its okay to let them join the "herd". So they've already been introduced...On accident xD!
Question about feeding scheduled. The pasture he is in, it is winter here like most places and the grass has a brown tint to it but is still very much green. I know mini's are very prone to founder so I'm not sure how I should keep the feeding schedule going. I was thinking a 12 hour schedule. From like 8 in the morning to 8 at night. Then stall him with some hay(or not??) and let him out again at eight in the morning to graze again. Or should I just let him graze all the time but feed no grain or hay?
Second question is the fencing around his little paddock area is 4 foot high. The gait is 2 and a half foot high taller them him. He some how managed to jump and CLEAR it 4 times before we finally got it fixed to were he couldn't. How high can miniatures actually jump? I mean whats the highest they CAN jump? I do plan on making him a jumper, as this isn't the first time he's cleared something by jumped that's bigger then him. He's only 9 months old.... I don't think I'll start training him to actually jump till he's around 3 and a half... I plan to also break him out and use him for cart.
Where do you get into jumping competitions??