Well-Known Member
A friend's two year old filly is having a real rough time. About 5 days ago, she started laying down and she could not get up without help. The vet was called and he ran panel and said her levels and organ function looked fine. She does look real weak in the hind quarters. Very little muscle tone. In the beginning (5 days ago) the filly would lay down all day long and night. The friend would prop her up, so her head wasn't below her belly, and the filly would still eat, although less than usual, and not interested in grain. The vet did put her on anit-biotics. Now she is up all day, but as soon as it is dark, she lays down and has to be helped up in the morning. When she is laying down, she is flat out, not curled up. She is interested in her grain again. She does have a runny eye, which my friend cleans daily. The vet suggested sending her to Madison for an evaluation, but my friend cannot afford to do so. The vet is not that experienced with horses, more of a cattle/swine guy. The filly is a bit better from a couple days ago, but a long ways from normal.
The filly might be a dwarf. She has a large head, compared to her body size. Crooked back legs and bit is off about a centimeter. Does this sound like a problem related to dwarfism? Has anyone had experience with something like this? Thank you.
The filly might be a dwarf. She has a large head, compared to her body size. Crooked back legs and bit is off about a centimeter. Does this sound like a problem related to dwarfism? Has anyone had experience with something like this? Thank you.