Ok here is my time to be totally brutally honest...
If I had it to do all over again.. I would not have a breeding farm, I have spent thousands on horses just purchasing my most expensive horse (a mare) at Nationals this year.(who I LOVE and am SO PROUD OF)
Truth be told.. I bought into the hmm perhaps I can get them to at least pay for themselves years back when i started.
Truth is when I started adding up vet bills, feed bills, show expenses, farrier bills, promotion, and the hours put into them daily- I wasnt even breaking even - even when selling all my foals for decent money.
Now most of that is due to the fact that as I was in it more and learned more I purchased higher end horses and knew what I wanted and where I wanted to go (except the industry is changing pretty darn fast and improving and it is hard to keep up) I have had as many as 25+ horses and now currently have 12 of those 3 are geldings
We have experienced the severe heart break of losing foals, losing mares as well as of course the joy when it goes well.
Dont get me wrong I think that having and breeding mares and the things we have learned and gained and the sorrow has all been wonderful for my family and all huge life lessons for us. however I think if i could start all over again I would have a few show geldings and call it good.
One or 2 bad years can sure set you back alot when you are looking at making money. Fact is while I am proud of the foals I have produced and how they are improving year after year. I am proud of the fact that my horses can and have held there own at Nationals I am proud of the fact that I am heading in the right direction. I am proud of the fact that many that I have respected and admired have taken notice and told me hey .. you are on the right road you are doing good- However I am also very aware of the fact that there are SO MANY that are much more experienced, so many years ahead of me and truly not only the pioneers of the breed but those that are leading the change and improvement as well.
I do feel I am a small part of that but I have to openly admit that I am not at there level and honestly dont have the drive and edge to get there. I dont have the knowledge they do even after 10 years - I have not yet after 10+ years paid my dues. There is really no short cut there is ways to slide ahead a few spots but in the long run we all have to pay our dues
I enjoy my horses I love when horses we have bred go on to do well for there new owners be it in the breeding shed, the breed show ring or the ADS show ring. However I am not motivated or driven enough to have a barn full of National champion horses nor to try and "make people think" every horse I have will be that or get there.(that IMO is a huge part of being a successful meaning money making breeding farm)Not saying it is a bad thing heck it is all part of the marketing game.
Instead when looking at my horses I can see there pros and cons in what they are as they sit and in who they are and how they do there jobs. I love the horses that show, the horses that are great consistent broodmares and those that are great at just hanging out and being part of the family
I have invested so much time and money and sweat and tears (and yes smiles and laughter) to get where I am today that I just cant stop right now. I cant stop when I am on the right road and headed in the right direction-
but none of that changes the fact that if I could rewind the clock..... I would have a few geldings to show and enjoy and leave the breeding and marketing to others.
So there ya have it a not so late night confession