First foal of the year

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
I was hoping for 2 fillies this year, no colts but we started off with a colt this morning. Now the other may as well have a colt too, then the two boys can be playmates right through weaning...maybe I jinxed it, because the only names I'd come up with this year (lost my old list!) were colt names...

Anyway, this is another Ice Man baby, out of our good moving 37.75" mare Timie. He's a tall, long legged little fellow, born at just 302 days. He is a little bit preemie--he was a little slow to get up and going (had me scared for a little while) and then even slower at latching on & nursing. There was plenty of suck reflex, but he just wouldn't latch on. The little bit he would nurse was only with assistance--I'd guide him to the nipple & then hold him there while he took a few swallows. As soon as he'd latch on he'd go sort of limp & tip over--I'd have to hold him up. On his own he'd take the nipple in his mouth then give a big twitch backward/sideways & let go. I gave him a bit of colostrum by syringe and then later by bottle--he didn't want to nurse on a bottle at all, but I did get some into him. From there he finally got the hang of nursing on his mom, first with me holding him & then on his own. He's nursing up a storm now, and no longer needs assistance. His legs are all over the place, and are going to take some time to straighten & strengthen. He's got the jerky, Parkinson's-like movements of a preemie, but I hope that in a couple of days those will go away.

He doesn't have a name yet--have a couple in mind, but the one we favor needs something more to go with it.


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congrats!!! that is so frustrating when you try to help a early foal nurse. been there done that! i love the shoulder on this colt!

Congrats@!!!!!! So glad u got him straightened up and nursing on his own!
I really like this colt CONGRATS I agree with Kay love his shoulder in fact his whole front end what a LONG neck for a new baby!
Thank you. I too like the shoulder on this colt; I'm thinking it's a good sign he'll be able to move like his older siblings--hope so anyway!

He's really got the nursing thing down pat now so that's a big relief. Tonight he came up to me & tried to scratch his ear with a hind hoof. He was a bit tippy so I scratched it for him. He then tried to reach around & scratch his back, so I was scratching that for him. He was practically in my lap, just loving the scratches. He was wiggling his rump back & forth when I scratched his tail, and his top lip was stuck out & he was trying to scratch me. He seemed to be really enjoying the whole deal, but I guess it was just too much stimulation for him. Next thing he just fainted away! He was half on my lap so I had my arms around him, and suddenly his head sagged over my arm, then his legs gave way. That came as a bit of a surprise since I'd had to restrain him this morning when I was bottle feeding him, and he showed no sign of fainting then. I lowered him into the straw & he laid there, sound asleep. He'd lift his head if I shook his leg a little, then he'd go right back to sleep. I'm not sure the initial collapse was a faint, or if it's narcolepsy but either way I expect he'll outgrow it in a few days.

He's still not officially named. We're wanting to call him Honor, but Cedar Plains Honor sounds too short. I thought maybe Cedar Plains Man of Honor (since Ice Man is his dad) but I don't know if I like that or not. What else would fit in with Honor??
Congrats on your handsome colt! He sounds like a sweetheart! I like his mama too

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