Goodness, I haven't kept up on my Falcor thread! He's definitely come around with the body work, stretching, Bemering... What a good boy. He's been reintroduced to driving in a way that I think he's felt more confident and relaxed with as his work and movement is demonstrating. I took him to the Sparrowhawk Spring Fling practice day to hang out and ground drive. While out alone ground driving he did have a bit of a meltdown, but it seemed to give him an idea that there's no more going to a show and having to be strung up high and tight. We ground drove at our collaborative show and he was marvelous. I had the feeling that I could have hitched him there and had a successful time. But I'm glad I didn't. We hauled back to our friends' facility with Uri the baby moose and did have a hitch there after lunging and dragging all sorts of noisy things around. He was quite good! Then he came with me to the fun day ahead of the Harry Harrison Pace Event. We did our walk around, Bemer, lunge, long line and then drive. I was so pleased with how relaxed and interested he was in the activities. A huge confidence boost to both of us. Last weekend I hauled him and Phillippe to my friend's place and, again, did the lead, lunge, long line - although much shorter duration this time, and all three of us took a turn up on the lines. He was delightful!
Last night I went to pull him out to drive at home and I found that my silly pony not only took off his fly mask but scraped the waterline of his eye to the point of bleeding! Thankfully his actual eye and inner eye lid are unharmed. I've administered some conjunctivitis treatment and put a different fly mask on to protect him, braided his very long forelock out of the way, and hope he'll behave himself now! I have to say I'm very happy that he trusted me so much to allow me to put the eye drops in without issue, and to inspect the rest of his eye for damage. My mom watched, she commented on how much he trusts me now. And I think she's right.
I guess that means Falcor has to stay with me forever (poor dude...)
Anyways, here's some recent pictures, and not of his injury.

This is a before and after comparison of the first time I drove him to our drive at the HH Pace event. This is after mostly body work.

And Ali found out he likes ginger peach soda! What a funny dude.