First show

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Windham, Maine
Sunday was the first show I have ever shown a horse in. We have taken our minis to a couple local shows but others have shown them for us. With all the rain we have had (16 days in a row) conditioning was nearly non existant with mud waist deep. 3 of the 4 horses wanted no part of having ears clipped. At least they all were clean.

The very first class I ever lead a horse in was with our stallion Runnin Bares Special Attraction in the 2 and over class. It was the largest class of the day with 8 entries! Special is at home the quietest horse we own.

In the ring with 7 other studs he was far from quiet. Although I rarely got him to set up for long he placed first in the class! After criticing the class Lee lead him to center of the ring, gave a couple quick snaps on the lead and had him perfect! Obviously I need more work than the horse!

After the day was finished we had 1 first, 2 2nds, 2 3rds and a 4th place. And we won't count my trip in adult novice showmanship as a single entry. Lets just say it was entertainment for the crowd but it was fun and I will remember to get the quarters correct. Trinket nearly got the pivot.

I learned a tremendous amount can't wait for the next show!


Left the camera at home on the charger for the day!
Yay Mark!

It was nice to meet you in person and see your horses.

I watched the stallion class and despite your boy's "wardrobe malfunction" (aka chin chain issue), you guys did great. You should be proud of your work and your handsome man! :aktion033:

I enjoyed myself and learned quite a bit. For me, it was a relief to see others learning, too.

Congrats and take care!

Oh...and thanks for helping me out when I first arrived!
I have learned more from Lee Crutchfield about showing than i have learned from anybody else. I have learned how to show a horse and how to groom a horse to show. He has taught me many things. Lee is the best person to work with. And by the way Lee and I are cousins. I am glad that you had a great show. Aubrey
It was definately a great show as I got to see people I hadn't seen since last year. The people in Maine are so nice. I had the big goofy chestnut gelding and Courtney had her beloved little bay gelding Kisses. Courtney was VERY happy as she placed first in the jumping class and as she had gone off course in her class in New York the week before under Lee this made her day! This was Sting's [chestnut geldings] first time to be hooked this year and he was a gentleman. We won the driving class by default as Jen's horse decided she wanted to do something else. It's not a horse show without a little excitement! Lee told me as I was the only one in the class I would be the demo. It was fun and I enjoyed it. He does a great clinic because he involves everyone and he LOVES to talk. Linda B
Congrats Mark on a great show! Your horses were very well turned out and even though it was your first time showing Mini's, you looked like you had been doing it for years!

We won the driving class by default as Jen's horse decided she wanted to do something else. It's not a horse show without a little excitement!
Seeing as I created the excitement for this show, it's someone elses turn for the rest of the year

Other then our 5 minutes of excitement, our horses had a great showing as well. I was beyond thrilled with how well both yearlings behaved themselves(colt took first in Yearling Stallions and Filly took first in Solid Color). My mare won the mare's class, but then decided she didn't want to drive against Linda's gelding :lol: . Our gelding was 2nd behind Linda's gelding in the Gelding Halter class and then won the Country Pleasure Driving, Under class. And our other mare(palomino and white) was 3rd in Multi-Color and then won Pleasure Driving, Over.

Congrats to everyone for a great show!!!

LOL Jen.. well sadly enough my 2 month old colt was he best behaved of the day! lol he trotted so well down the line and stood fairly well too. Mink wouldn't chill out for halter since the foal was outside of the ring...and of course we all know that fireball was TERRIBLE for driving. lol he acted like he'd only been hitched a couple of was verging on acting dangerous..and usually he's quite steady and awesome.. though he did do great in halter. I'm glad he's easy to set up since i'm so NOT a halter

BTW.. lol i ended up having to go to the ER yesterday morning. the eye just kept getting worse and worse. I coulnd't sleep all night long sunday night and finally got jen up early to take me home so i could go! lol they ddin't tell mea whole lot but they at least gave me drops for the pain and some antibiotic ointment to get me by till today when i can get into my optometrist! it's pretty nasty! i'm beginning to think there was more to it than just contact issues! lol maybe i really DID get punched in the eye ;)

Jen don't feel bad, usually I am the comedy relief at the show. No one quite knows what to expect from past experiences with my guys. This is the first time it wasn't me. You still have a long way to go to catch up on interesting things that happen at a show. Just watch and see at mini rama. Linda B
Hey Guys!

It was great to see everyone there at the show. I tried to get to see everyone,but I had several minis to babysit through out the day. I have been to a lot of other breed clinics but Lee Crutchfield by far surpassed them all. I have never been to a clinic where sooooo much info was given and explained. He has a great way of conveying the information.

Linda, your gelding I love!!! He is such a handsome dude!! It was great to see you again.

Mark your minis were turned out very nicely. Sounds like you got bitten by the show bug!!! Look out!! LOL

Hillary - I told you it looked like you got socked in the eye! Boy it looked sooo sore. I hope it clears up for you soon! You and Jen looked so tired!

Take care

: I couldn't go because I'm watching Hope who is on date 499. Well, that's what it feels like. It's actually like day 367. I gave up counting exactly.

Anyway, my daughter Sarah had fun. Jen, you might like to know that her toe is much better. That "excitement" surely had everyone on their toes quickly! (pun intended!)

Sarah learned a lot from Lee Crutchfield. This was Feather's first show. Sarah had gone to the Maine October show last year and the NH one on Saturday.
Jen, you did provide some action out side the ring. I think Sassy just wanted the afternoon off!!

Linda, That was a fantastic driving demonstration. I have watched many driving classes but after I get this halter class thing mastered may be drivings next. Jen and Julie have been trying>

As for excitment I nearly turned the stallion class into Liberty when the snap on the lead strap broke. Twice it came apart! Needless to say I am looking for a different type of lead.

Hillary, boy I hope that eye is getting better. That looked very painfull at best. OUCH!

Can't wait for the August show!

lol mark..i think we all had issues sunday! lol stick with it and the halter thing will get down pat! i'm SO not a halter person..i just can't seem to get the hang of really showing them. fireball looked so much better with Lee handling him..i doubt i'll ever get tot hat my bad knee's just dont' bed that way to get way down! lol

My eye is doing a bit better tonight between all the ointments and pain releivers and anti swelling stuff he gave me. i got squeezed into the optometrist office this morning and have to go back again tomorrow. Guess he said it had very little to do with the contact as we thought and almost everythign to do with my lyme disease. i've had some problems with developing little surface ulcers on my lense and cornia area off and on for a year or so now....but nothing nearly as bad as this and this time around he said it was a really big deep ulcer right over my cornia and thats what was causing the swelling and severe pain.. seemed kinda weird that it came that fast though!! i can't see through it and looks like i'll be wearing glasses for a while... really bumming because he didn't think i'd be able to wear contacts for our show in NY in two weeks! ick! hate glasses! LOL just goes to show EVERYONE lyme disease is not a disease to mess with! watch out for ticks and watch closely for any symptoms so you can get it treated early!!!

Will you be showing in NY at all this year?
I'm so sorry I didnt come and meet everyone. It was something I was looking forward to. My back has gotten worse, so I couldnt make it. I'm not showing at all this year

Jen, will the club have a dvd to purchase of the clinic?


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