Floods update too

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2003
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Just thought a quick update might be in order. We are having very heavy winds today. Gusts going up to 65 miles per hour. The rain started back up a couple of hours ago here and between the two they are making for some interesting house sounds! Gotta love old houses! There have been a few towns that have been evacuated due to levies breaking now and our freeway exit to get to our house has been under water for several hours and shut down. The levy broke by us, but we are on high ground so no worries here, just can't get to the freeway and the road to go to the nearest town north is also under water. I can still get south if I need to but there is only one road that is safe still heading that way. We will be fine as I always have a good two month supply of food here and cars are all gased up, lots of water and batteries and lamp oil. plenty of food for horses and humans.

We have one more day of rains predicted and then get a few days of dry weather according to the news so, hopefully everyone can dry out just in time for the next storm to hit.

I was on the news last night (I figured they would cut me out, but didn't) I was actually the lead story. I kept joking with hubby that I made the lead story of the ten o'clock news on new years eve and didn't even have to shoot anybody to do it !!! LOL

Hope everyone else is ok. All that has happened to us so far is some big branches have come down. So far so good.

Prayers for everyone else too!! Sue and Michelle, how are you guys? Hows Kathy T.? Everybody ok?
Thanks for the update!!! If it's this bad down here in So. Cal, I can only imagine how heavy it is up north!

Please check in again tomorrow - that's when the worst of the rains are supposed to arrive.

Liz R.
Will be thinking of all of you and keeping you in my prayers!

Take care, keep safe and God Bless...
It is still raining....ugh..... BUT, we are not flooded as bad. This area always has some standing water if it rains more than an inch, and we have had over 6 inches in the last 2 days.... but, we will be fine.

The minis would sure like to get out....maybe later today, I do have one area that is only partially flooded, so I can rotate turnout there for some of them. Only if it stops raining though. My horses do not like to get wet, as soon as it starts drizzling, thay are at the gates wanting in...LOL I have 3 of the horses in the cow barn that have nice big paddocks, and they just stand at their doors and look out....LOL

Lots of power outages with the high winds....but the winds , here, have stopped for now. It may still be pretty windy where Stacy lives.

with the parades on, I haven't heard any local news as to how the levys are holding.

edited to add: Kathy T. is lucky ...she lives in the foothills, so no flooding at her place.

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Hanging in there, too... Fresno is currently in a constant, strong downpour... and has been for almost 24 hours. Not flooded too bad, but am watching.. had to laugh yesterday, though... I am a fanatic about cleaning stalls and pens, so yesterday evening I went out to feed and clean pens. Not to unusal, you say, except for the fact that the rain was POURING down and the windgusts were strong. I had my hood over my head and felt someone looking at me so turned around to see my two year old filly Irish and yearling filly Molly standing in the doorway of the stall that they share and looking at me like..
I can only imagine what they were thinking... "yep, Mom's lost it!"
I might skip the pen part today....

Anyway, to all my other waterlogged California friends... I gotta rowboat, you gotta paddle?

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
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Hey suzy! As a matter of fact, I bought Mike paddles for the canoe for Christmas and have been joking wiht him about it. I keep telling him, See honey, they got her just in time!!! LOL I can canoe down to your place and we can rowboat to Disneyland!!!!!
Man you guys!! This is all just ridiculous- floods, fires...... I feel SO BADLY for everyone. We had a fire close this past summer and it was pretty scary, so I understand that.

I sure hope everyone is ok and stays that way!!!

My friend here at work was at Disneyland this weekend for New Years and said it rained ALL day Saturday there, but then quit in the evening.

Here we sit, high and dry with NO rain, but thank heaven's no fires either in AZ. This is our 6th driest season EVER....

Please send some rain east and when we are done we'll send it on to OK and TX!!!
I go outside and I blow and I blow to the east, but the rain just stays here. Not sure what I am doing wrong?
This is crazy!!! We lost power early this morning - it's 11:30AM and just got it restored! A huge pine tree (around 100' tall) came down and hit the power lines - that's what caused the outage!

My horses' stalls are about 2" under water - not too bad.

And my trash bins floated down the road and I'm not sure where they ended up!

Liz R.
Hey Stacey...

Let's go!
Aerobic exercise is the best way to lose weight and I told myself to lose at least 25 pounds before Nationals!!!
Oh, by the way, Janie and I just bought a coming 2 year old Buckeroo bred palomino filly, so I guess that we just joined the dilute craze, too!

Sure wish that I COULD send some of this to the east and south of us... I know they could certainly use it right now!!

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
We're not floating away yet. Almost had to evacuate my stallions from their boarding facility, but the rain gave a well timed break that allowed the creeks that surround the facility to go down a bit. We are soggy, and waterlogged, but doing okay. I'm just glad that with all those homes they built up in the Yuba City/Marysville area they did a TON of work on those levies. So my mares and my sister should be safe. They were the ones I was worried about, given that the levy broke with the last storm like this in 97. Our place up there was very close to going under water in that one. But everything is holding, so we appear to be okay. I hope everyone else around here is doing well, and hopefully soon we will all be dry again! Maybe if we all chant "Rain, rain, go away, go to the east where they need you" it will leave us alone to clean up all this darn mud.

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