Just thought a quick update might be in order. We are having very heavy winds today. Gusts going up to 65 miles per hour. The rain started back up a couple of hours ago here and between the two they are making for some interesting house sounds! Gotta love old houses! There have been a few towns that have been evacuated due to levies breaking now and our freeway exit to get to our house has been under water for several hours and shut down. The levy broke by us, but we are on high ground so no worries here, just can't get to the freeway and the road to go to the nearest town north is also under water. I can still get south if I need to but there is only one road that is safe still heading that way. We will be fine as I always have a good two month supply of food here and cars are all gased up, lots of water and batteries and lamp oil. plenty of food for horses and humans.
We have one more day of rains predicted and then get a few days of dry weather according to the news so, hopefully everyone can dry out just in time for the next storm to hit.
I was on the news last night (I figured they would cut me out, but didn't) I was actually the lead story. I kept joking with hubby that I made the lead story of the ten o'clock news on new years eve and didn't even have to shoot anybody to do it !!! LOL
Hope everyone else is ok. All that has happened to us so far is some big branches have come down. So far so good.
Prayers for everyone else too!! Sue and Michelle, how are you guys? Hows Kathy T.? Everybody ok?
We have one more day of rains predicted and then get a few days of dry weather according to the news so, hopefully everyone can dry out just in time for the next storm to hit.
I was on the news last night (I figured they would cut me out, but didn't) I was actually the lead story. I kept joking with hubby that I made the lead story of the ten o'clock news on new years eve and didn't even have to shoot anybody to do it !!! LOL
Hope everyone else is ok. All that has happened to us so far is some big branches have come down. So far so good.
Prayers for everyone else too!! Sue and Michelle, how are you guys? Hows Kathy T.? Everybody ok?