Foal alerting devices in use?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Henagar, AL
We lost our third foal today due to foaling problems. Had we been there earlier, this one surely could have been saved. It just took one small tug on a leg that was way behind and she was out. We have decided that we will invest in some sort of alerting device. I wanted to see what others had used either suscessfully or not so sucessfully. I know some can be expensive and I want to be sure to invest in the best one. Please share any experiences and advice.


Levon & Lynn Sargent

LNL miniFarm
I am so very sorry for your losses. I think the best way to go, is with a combination, of a Breeder Alert(or Equipage) system, AND a camera/monitor system. The reason for both, is the halter alerts go off when the mare lays flat out to foal. Unfortunately, they also like to sleep in this position quite a bit, so rather than having to run to the barn every 20 minutes throughout the night to look, you can have the monitor turned on with the cameras overlooking the stall and know if they are just snoozing or actually foaling.
Mona summed it up quite well.

Together they work much better than alone. We have equipage and cameras. More than pays for itself with one foal. Even though we just lost a foal we could have lost the mare as well. We never would have thought she would go into active labor 10 min after we finished morning chores. She ate all her grain just like normal and was munching hay when we left the barn. 10 min later pager goes off. Gaylene watched the monitor thinking a false alarm but she lays down again and starts pushing.

Sorry for your loss.

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I have the same- a Breeder Alert and a camera. The Alerts are not cheap, but will more than pay for itself with the first life it saves. I would have lost a couple from not getting out of the sacks on their own, in addition to possibly losing a mare that had a twisted foal that was lost. I would not be without either.

The camera is such a great help too because you dont have to disturb the mares when the beeper goes off and you can see if they are sleeping or really in labor. It's great for seeing if the mares are restless, or what is going on there with them. Also for keeping an eye on the new babies once they get here and make sure they are eating and doing well.
Ditto Mona and the others!! I wouldn't foal without a Breeder Alert or Equipage and a camera system. I have all of those and used them every year.

One of my first foaling seasons, I lost 2 out of 3 foals. That was enough for me. I bought a Breeder Alert then (1994?) and a camera soon after. I've saved many foals since simply by 'being there'.

So sorry on your losses and I hope things improve for you.
I'm so sorry for your loss and know it is a heartbreaker for sure.

I have the Breeder Alert System with camera and monitor set up and if it saves just one foal for you, it is paid for. I wouldn't breed without it. Also help to get more sleep for yourself at foaling time.

I also use the cameras for sick horses so I can watch from the house in the night.

Joyce L
I agree with all of the above.........Both the Breeder Alert and the Equipage are similar, so check each out.

The TV monitor set up is almost more valuable because if the halter alert system goes wrong (as they sometimes do and usually during foaling season) you at least have a camera on your mare and can set your alarm hourly or have someone take turns with you watching.

The absolute BEST combination is having BOTH the camera AND the Breeder Alert/Equipage.

Thanks for all the replies. We have ordered a breeder alert system. It should be in today. I will have transmitters on 3 of the 6 mares that we have left to foal. As soon as one does, her transmitter will go to the next mare.

Good luck with all your foals this year.


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