Foal Resuscitators

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Do you have one, where did you find a mini size? Having one might have made the difference in saving this colt the other day. Valley Vet has one, have not called them yet to see if it's available in a smaller size but just wondered what kind of success you have had using them.

bought a mini one and returned it. I could see it wouldn't work and do the job. Can't remember where I bought it.
I have one ready, made out of a plastic soda bottle, I read it on here I think last year.
Plastic soda bottle (not 2 liter, the individual serving size) works great. Just cut top off about 3 or 4 inches below the taper, try to make the cut as smooth as possible, I cover the edge with a couple layers of tape to insure against cutting tender skin. First saw the tip in a Western Horseman magazine, for full sized horses they were using the 2 liter size. Have also thought about splitting a soft plastic tube and gluing around edge, just haven't got around to it yet. Have only needed it once so far, (thank you God) on a foal of Kaykays that was already too far gone, but nice to have in your foaling kit.
Jan, I got one from Farnum several years ago and am pleased with it and probably saved a couple of foals with it. Lucky Four vet really spoke highly of it and I got it after hearing him talk about it at one of Wade's sale. I also have a canister of oxygen that I know has helped too.

I just looked and couldn't find it on their web site, but will keep looking.
Can you tell me how to use it? If you need a can of oxygen, where do you get that from and how to use it with the resusitator?
Can you tell me how to use it? If you need a can of oxygen, where do you get that from and how to use it with the resusitator?
I would also like to know how this is used? Is it just an easier way to give mouth to nose resusitation?

I'm not sure how they work, but I like the soda bottle idea and will make one of those whether or not I order the other one. I had to ask Ginia - after you cut the bottle, put the big end over foal's muzzle and blow into the small end. Makes perfect sense.

I'd love to see one of those too. It would come in handy (and hopefully have very little use).

We were at a Miniature Horse Symposium on Sunday and the vet told us 100 compressions (CPR) per minute and for 2 people to trade off while on the way to the vets. I don't have how many breaths per minute, but he did recommend closing the downside (away from you nostril and breathing into just one. They mentioned this could be done for up to 15 minutes. I was surprised at the length of time they recommended trying as I've given up long before that in the past.

I've heard the soda bottle and had one made last year, but never had a chance to try it yet.
The one that we have works like a pump that you do manually rather than laying on the floor blowing into the foal. It makes it possible to keep going much longer than you would be able physically to do.

Here is the web site of the one that we use: Constant Delivery Foal Resuscitator

Here is a good general article that should be helpful (not using the resuscitator):

Resuscitating Foals -

By: Nathan Slovis, DVM, Dipl. ACVIM - an internal medicine specialist with the Hagyard-Davidson-McGee veterinary firm in Lexington, KY.


Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR) (previously called CPR) is the restoration of spontaneous circulation (a heart beat) with the preservation of neuralgic (brain) function. The most common and immediate problem requiring CPCR is an asphyxiated foal (one with inadequate oxygenation of tissues prior to and during foaling). Clinical signs that resuscitation is needed for a newborn foal include the absence of breathing; irregular gasping; respiratory rate less than 100 breaths/minute; irregular or absent heart rate, or one less than 40 beats/minute; muscle flaccidity; and no responsiveness to tactile stimulation. Foals delivered by cesarean section often need CPCR.

The concept of the ABCs is important: A--- Airway B—Breathing C—Circulation

AIRWAY- The first step is the clear the airway and remove membranes and mucus from the nose. If this does not work, the airway can to suctioned with a bulb syringe (like a turkey baster) or a 60 ML syringe and rubber tubing. Don’t worry about suctioning the mouth because horses are obligate nasal breathers (they do not breath through their mouths). Vigorous rubbing with dry towels can provide tactile stimulation and initiate breathing. Slapping, shaking, spanking, and holding the foal upside down are strongly advised against in horses (and humans). If the umbilicus is still actively bleeding, hemostats should be clamped to it. If the bleeding is slight or is decreasing, clamping should be avoided.

BREATHING - If spontaneous breathing and a normal heart rate have not been established in the first 30 seconds after birth, the foal should be placed on his side on a hard surface with adequate access to the head and throat (chest). Until your veterinarian can arrive, use either mouth to nose resuscitation or a pump and mask resuscitator for ventilation. With mouth to nose ventilation, the neck should be extended, the nostrils cleared, the nostril facing down covered, and a breath delivered to the nostril facing up approximately 20-30 times per minute (every two to three seconds). The size of the breaths should be sufficient to cause the foal’s chest to visibly expand. The pump and mask resuscitator carries a significant risk of inflating the stomach with air; ask your veterinarian to show you how to avoid this. Check for spontaneous breathing and heart rate every 30 –60 seconds, but do not stop CPRC for longer than 10 seconds to assess the foal. Ventilation can be stopped when the heart rate is above 80 beats/minute and spontaneous respiration is well established.

CIRCULATION - Chest compressions are indicated if the heart rate is below 40 beats/minute and should be instituted in foals only after the initial 15-30 seconds of ventilation and reassessment of heart rate. The foal’s ribs should be checked for fractures before starting ventilation. Feel over the chest with your hands while applying gentle pressure. If there’s a marked indentation or a displacement of the ribs, then at least one is most likely fractured. If fractures were noted over the heart, then thoracic compressions could make the situation worse.

The individual performing compressions should kneel with his/her shoulders over the foal. The heel of one hand should be placed directly behind the triceps mass (behind and just above the elbow) at the level of the foal’s shoulder with the other hand placed on top of the first hand. A rate of 100-120 compressions per minute (1.72 times per second) should be attempted. It’s not necessary to coordinate chest compressions with breathing. Rib fractures are the most common complication, followed by lung and heart bruising. Monitor a central pulse, heart rate, and pupil size every two to three minutes during compressions. (A dilated pupil is indicative of severe oxygen deprivation and circulation collapse.)

With CPCR in humans, the success rate is between 10-15%; in veterinary medicine, the success is less than 10%. Resuscitation is only the beginning. Owners must realize that the initial event causing respiratory or cardiac arrest as well as hypoxia (reduction of oxygen supply to tissues) that occurs during arrest can cause more problems for the foal. It is thus appropriate to refer a resuscitated foal to an intensive care facility for further evaluation.

American Association of Equine Practitioners - 4075 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511 | 859-233-0147 |
We always keep oxygen in the barn at foaling time and have had to use it a few times. Has saved some foals.


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