Okay, the only time I've had a horse require colic surgery was when I had a 11mos old show filly,
Triple H Buckin Khaki, in 2003 at a trainers. I am sure the reason she colic was that the hay that was fed at the stable was SO coarse. Some of the stalks in it were almost as big around as a pencil. The reason I feel this was "the" factor is that the surgeon told me it was as if she had access to very coarse feed.
Khaki first showed sings of colic around 4pm. Had the vet out 3x to treat medically but at the first time, I asked if it were to be surgical, when do we need to decide. My filly was insured, so money was not even a consideration. The vet said we would need to be deciding soon. We were hauling her to the hospital around midnight and were told we had an advantage as to long term survival because we acted so fast.
However, a day after they performed the initial surgery, they called to say they had to go back in. A portion of the intestine that they normally should not empty in minis (but should in biggies) wasn't emptied, but in Khaki's case, it should have been.
When we got her out of the hospital, we brought her directly to my house, where she has been ever since. We have had no more issues with colic in her and she's now 4 years out from the surgery and, we hope, pregnant with her first foal. The vet told me a long time ago it was time to start thinking of her as "a regular horse" and do what I want with her no matter if that meant showing, driving or breeding.
At the time of the surgery and for a year or so afterwards, some of my friends who I considered more knowledgable than myself were very pesimistic about Khaki's long term survival, however, the surgeon was always optimistic. My vets told me at least a year before I was ready to do so, to think of her like a regular horse vs a hot house flower.
Here is my colic surgery survivor, who I am sure happy is still with us
: I beleive she is currently about 1 month along in foal to DunIT!!!
Triple H Buckin Khaki
PS I don't actually remember how much it cost, but I'm thinking it was right around $5,000.