Food Donation Ideas, Please

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Arlington, WA
We were invited to a wedding and rather than gifts, they would like us to donate non-perishable foods in support of their church meal program. I looked on-line to see if I could find items needed and all I found is: “Dinner Bell provides nutritious meals every Thursday night.” The church also has a food bank, but our invitation seems to indicate they would like items for the meal program.

I could email and ask, but would prefer not to since they are on vacation (...kind of a pre-honeymoon, I guess), not to mention I dinked around so long the wedding is in about 10 days.

Can anyone suggest non-perishable items that would be needed by a meal program (no idea of the clientele they serve) I am drawing a total blank. Thanks.
Boxes of crackers, cheese its, wheat thins,

stuff for lunches like fruit cups, puddings, apple sauce,

boxes drinks like capri suns, kool aid, apple juice,

cans of fruit, soup, tuna, chicken,

boxed dinner kits, hamburger helper, noodles, taco dinner kits,

boxed potatos, rice, beans

I think about who I would need to feed and what would go the farthest!

Good luck!
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veggie oil


boxed pudding/jello




Thanks all. It was kind of a dumb question on my part; I was wondering if there was some item that was always needed (for example, if it was a food bank frequented by young mothers, formula might be needed.) Good ideas, and I'll figure something out.
My favorite thing to give for food programs is peanut butter, because I think it has a lot of nutrition in one container (protein, fat, calories) and it keeps a long time.
Call the church-any extras will probably go the food bank and just going to take a look at it will tell you what they run out of quickly. It is REALLY nice to get some "out of the box" items, as long as there is plenty to go around. My mom worked at Tastefully Simple for about 8 years and got some amazing discounts so that's what I usually gave. Everything is boxed and non-perishable, but it's stuff you just don't get in a food bank often so the people who work at them love it. Maybe put something in for a simple dessert?

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