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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2006
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Hate to sound stupid but I have never had this happen. I have a female doxie that is due the 28th. I woke up this morning to a dark brown discharge in her bed. Looked like a bad case of the runs. Well I looked her over and her belly looks like it has dropped and the brown discharge is coming from her female area. She is normal. Doing all the usual stuff other then this discharge. Doesn't appear in pain at all. Called the vet and he is at the sale barn pulling coggins and testing cows today. They told me unless she was in pain to just let her be and he could see her Monday.

If she is aborting, I'm o.k. with that, not happy but o.k.. Just don't want to loose her. Any advice? Any ideals?

I just had one of my females stay all day at the vet Thursday from problems giving birth. Lucky, no c-section and got 6 healthy puppies but lost one this a.m. from being smashed under the towel.

Bad start to the day. Can't wait to go outside to feed horses. I'm afraid to leave the house now.
Bumping this up for you. I only bred big dogs which do not tend to have as many problems as small ones. I would be really worried about the brown discharge as to me that would imply something is going wrong. Infection would be my biggest worry. Sending good thoughts!!!
Not necessarily!!!

Here are my two experiences....

A good friend of mine bred her Saluki bitch to one of my dogs. Did a blood test at 30 days

and happily, she was pg. My friend was ecstatic.

One morning she called in tears to say that Harley had developed a brownish discharge

and she was on her way to a local vet that specializes in reproduction.

A few hours later she called to sadly say that Harley had lost the puppies. She then

had to contact all the waiting homes with the bad news.

The local "repro vet" had said the puppies were dead, gave strong antibiotics, advised

her to stop by her store and buy a douch for Harley.

Weeks passed and Harley got larger and larger. In the meantime, the vet kept insisting

it was now a false pregnancy, there was no way Harley was pregnant.

I finally advised my friend to drive down to Okemos, MI (about 2 hours away) to a REAL

repro specialist and have Harley ultrasounded.

Guess what - FIVE LIVE PUPPIES!!!

Now we were freaking because Harley had been on this strong antibiotic for a few weeks. Even

a phone call to the pharmeceutical company could only tell us that they had no documentation

on safety in pregnant *******. Thank God Carol had not taken the vet's advice and douched


We worried about those puppies until all five were safely on the ground.

I now own the 6 month old daughter of one of those puppies, who finished his Championship

in grand style.

BUT..another time, I had a pg Siberian Husky bitch that developed a brownish discharge and

she HAD aborted and also had pyo...but she was also sick. Doesn't sound like your girl is,

thank goodness!!

So I would recommend a visit to your vet and an ultrasound if possible.

Hoping the best for your bitch!!! Good luck!!!

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A bit of brownish discharge can be normal. My Shepherd would spot a bit during her pregnancies. If it's bloody or foul smelling, then I'd be worried.
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Thanks so much for the comments that you have given. makes me feel a bit at ease now.

The discharge does not smell at all. It is a good bit but she is acting normal. I did start her on some antibotics just in case. Until I can get with the vet on her.

I look at her belly and it does look different. Like it has dropped but I can't really tell if she lost them or not. I have not found any signs of anything other then the discharge.

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