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So I just wanted to re-introduce my miniature rescue herd
! So first is Moonshine Ruby, Moonshine a 7 year old 36 inch miniature horse , brought to us apparently very close to foaling and extremely underweight, she didn't look in foal what so ever but she did have a bag forming. When she came here she was scared and didn't even want to be brushed, wouldn't pick up her feet everything u can do with a horse she would br to scared to do it... On June 19 2014 we welcomed baby Ruby
she was full of spunk and extremely cuddly from the very start. She was a bit thin do to mommas condition but nothing major, the old owner of this mare who we rescued her from had never named this mare or even tried to properly feed her.. she was a really bad rescue case :/.
Next is Wagner Blue J Legacy Gem also my favorite mini I ever had, she was a re-home meaning her owner just decided to sell her. I remember after my filly had past that I wanted a special white horse who was bred so when I looked online I couldn't even hesitate to wanting to adopt this mare because she was really all I wanted and more. So on August 23 2012 I welcomed Gem to my farm
. Now Gem seemed awesome based on pictures but any pictures can fool you and of course as I was walking her around I soon realized she was huffing and puffing she was extremely over weight and got tired of just walking so she went on a diet. . Her to she wasn't easy to handle or lead she would spook and plow threw me. Now 2 years later me and her are inseparable. She knows sit, lie down, rear, paw, walk on two legs and more! I love this girl to pieces and planning on breeding her in the future
I also like to mention Miley the reason I started to rescue as she was my first ever horse yet alone miniature. Miley unfortunately passed away 3 months after I got her witch she was only10 months of age. She's the reason I started trick training as I realized it brings a lot of confidence in any horses and creates a special bond. Miley was a very typical weanling but she liked to bite and run away. . Trick training brought us close together and also let us form a bond making her not bite or bolt. Although she is gone I won't ever forget about her and our great memories
I will forever trick train my minis and keep rescuing its just to prove any minis can end up in bad situations

Next is Wagner Blue J Legacy Gem also my favorite mini I ever had, she was a re-home meaning her owner just decided to sell her. I remember after my filly had past that I wanted a special white horse who was bred so when I looked online I couldn't even hesitate to wanting to adopt this mare because she was really all I wanted and more. So on August 23 2012 I welcomed Gem to my farm

I also like to mention Miley the reason I started to rescue as she was my first ever horse yet alone miniature. Miley unfortunately passed away 3 months after I got her witch she was only10 months of age. She's the reason I started trick training as I realized it brings a lot of confidence in any horses and creates a special bond. Miley was a very typical weanling but she liked to bite and run away. . Trick training brought us close together and also let us form a bond making her not bite or bolt. Although she is gone I won't ever forget about her and our great memories