I know you requested JUST ONE, but...whew boy...THAT's HARD!
So...here goes...from forum members...FOR FREE (you did say FREE, right?)
Remember now, FOR FREE, right? The Boys::![]()
From Jen (Hairicane, here on the LB) - Their Pintaloosa Colt, born 04/22/06, not sure of his name, but he makes my heart go PITTER PATTER everytime I visit their website!
: Thanks Tanya!!!!! Its so nice to have several people actually remember and like my horses enough to list them on here. There are so many on here that I love I could go on listing horses all day
Here is the colt u mentioned. He is sired by Brewers Orion Slate and is staying here as a future breeding stallion and driving horse.
Oh, thanks, Yvonne!!!!:aktion033: Great thread :bgrin I don't know his full name but Jill's Bacardi, love that colour
Oh yes yes, you can be at the top of the list!!! But, I'm not sure when we'll breed Klassy, and DunIT will need a ladder :bgrin That would be a lucky foal to end up with you, Amy!!!Can I put in an advanced order for a cross between Jill's Klassy and Dun It???
Thank you so much, Devon! I'm sure Siz feels very honored that you mentioned him (I know I am). Here's my baby boy in July and then again at nationals, where he won National and Reserve National Champion as well as a top ten. He is a really neat little horse and is my little Momma's boy.Second Stephs Horse National Champion NHF Sizzles Black Raven:![]()
Jennifer,"GESHAN" loves you all! I like him too, butttt....if there was another one I could have kind of like horse dreamin, I would have to agree 100% with Aubrey, I personally fell over when I saw Noble Cause, I didn't even know at that very second that it was a Prince baby, I mean he made my jaw drop, very beautiful horse and it is great to see that Prince can not only win but that he can produce the same offspring, that to me is very impressive.
Thank you for picking my girl "Muffin" Freeland! Her face marking on the right side is exactly like Lotto's! She is in foal to him and I'm so excited!![]()
And thank you so much Backwoodsnanny, Meavey, RobinRTrueJoy, Latika & SWA for mentioning my boy Lotto. I love him SO much!
And SWA (Tanya) for mentioning Amber. I hope to get adult pix of her this year!
And also for mentioning Topper