Just added you to favorites so I can click on and watch now and then. I get up 3:45 central standard to check horses, feed, and get ready for work. I will be peeping in.
how is Marcella and the rest of your girls looking tonight?
I will watch when I can, have to step out in about half an hour to say bye to Mum n Dad who are leaving me for a month to go to Germany (was going to do the bye sad emoticon but it's not working for some reason... ) lol
anyway going to be a busy month for me but will watch when I can
I'm feeling less and less easy about going to sleep now. Ladybug and Marcella's udders are big enough for them to foal, but their milk is still clear, pale yellow and sticky. Now LB has been know to foal at that stage of milk so that has me even more uncomfy.
I'll be up alot tonight, and anyone who can help; I'd appreciate it. I'll have the cordless phone next to me just in case I drift off.
Fly and Ladybug were both down sternal for a while... now both have got back up Ladybug doing quite a bit of tail swishing now Fly is grazing her stall n Ladybug is scratching herself... Nell n Marcell standing like statues side by side LOL Fly n Bug definitley a little restless at the moment
Fly inactive since I have been watching except for occasional ear movement, Nell eating for Canada and adybug is active. Not sure if she was scratching or swaying at about 04:12 (Atantic Time- Canada right?)
Just looked at 04:26 is that marcella in the right ahnd corner, not clear what I can see, but I think I may wake you
So not used to your cams and dont know all the shadows etc. may just be a shadow but am seeing something under Marcella. Oh good grief, hope i am not waking you for a shadow
Just zoomed to the max and think it is a shadow. She is quiet and standing. Phewwwww. My heart was racing for a few minutes
Yup, def a shadow, she just moved her tail and confirmed it. Phewwww double phewwwww. Glad you are still sleeping. I will try and get used to your barn and cams and save myself the mini freak out. lol