vickie gee
Well-Known Member
I am betting on Ladybug to go first. Feb 29 or March 1.
I also had a friend that got a foal a couple of years ago at about 1:00 a.m. and about the time she was finishing up that one got another. As a former gambling woman I will place a bet. $20 on LB to foal March 1 top 'o the field. Request a 24 hour window for one of the bottom 'o the field to come in 2nd. I forgot to check the odds; never mind though I am comfortable with my bet. If I get about 5 hours much needed sleep tonight I will check in around 4:00 a.m. Goodnight ladies.I know, I had a friend that had that happen to her. She was foaling out one mare, turned around afterwards and there another mare had hers at exactly the same time. I am a little scared they might do that to me. Picture me jumping over gates trying to be in 4 stalls all at once. LOL
The mid foaling hurdle race?I know, I had a friend that had that happen to her. She was foaling out one mare, turned around afterwards and there another mare had hers at exactly the same time. I am a little scared they might do that to me. Picture me jumping over gates trying to be in 4 stalls all at once. LOL