Maybe I'm brutal but I like NO DICKER STICKERS.
This is my bottom line, take it or leave it. Oh you want to by 2 or 3 or 4 from me, Ok let's make a deal. Maybe it's age and being busy, but we all have been tuned to ask for more than what we want cause people will try to get us down. But I love the no dicker sticker people. Give me your bottom line and I'll take it or leave it. I'm do busy to haggle.
It bothers me. It irritates me.
Video, that is one thing that has truly shocked me is the number of mini breeders with no video.
You can get a video thingy whatever they call it now a days, flip, cam corder, whatever
and theres YouTube. Lot's a pictures, back, sides, front and a 1 or 2 minute video of it moving.
I bet things like that would make sales go through the roof.
I mean people with other species that are half or a third of the price do video.
It's not all that costly. However as an old poop who has to get her 32 y/o son or the daughter-in-law to help me
with my own website and anything else to do with something as simple as posting a picture
I do have pity on those who are as technologically challenged as I am.
OH and another pet peeve, why do so many people have only foal or a yearling picture up on their sale pages when they are actually trying to sell a 3 y/o or worse yet a 5 or 10 y/o?
Last thought and I need to go do some yard work and get ready for my week-end with my daughter-in-law and granddaughters. (Son is working out of town)
You wanna sell and not waste your time on people, emails, pictures and phone calls?
Lay all your cards out on the table so by your website you're only getting calls and emails from those who want what you got while turning away those who don't want what you got. Another words use your time wisely and respect other peoples time.
I would have a sales page, that if I'm selling a 3 y/o I'd have current pictures, and maybe a picture of when it was a foal and a yearling. Then a small video clip of it moving so people can see movement. If it has produced maybe a picture of what it produced.
HEY people I'm a major marketer. The Lord just seemed to bless me with a big mouth and a tough backbone who can take rejection (grin) At one time when the economy was good I had my products in over 100 stores in several states. Those were the good ole days.
Would it not be less time consuming to put that all up on your website rather than have to talk to, email pics and such to 5 to 10 individuals looking to buy that horse? And instead of emailing and talking to 10 and only one buys, maybe the other 8 or 9 would say, ok seen enough, not for me and you'd only have to deal with the one or two who were in the end, the interested parties. You can either spend an hour on your website with a nice cup of coffee or you can talk to 8 to 10 people for 15 to 30 mins each. Not to mention time spent emailing pictures after the conversation.