Frusterated with New AMHR Papers

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I'd add my vote for Charlie being palomino--would have said dark golden palomino based on his younger photo (drooling over that boy here--love the horse & love the color!) but in the more recent photo I'd be inclined to say sooty palomino. From what I've seen in Morgans, the sooty coloring seems to show up more as the horse gets older.
...does AMHA recognize silver bay asa color and can I change my gelding's color when I do his transfer (he is 10 yrs old) ?
AMHA will list one as Silver Bay on their papers, but they do not have an abbreviation for it on the Studbook. On the Studbook Online, my Silver Bay Pinto filly was simply listed as a Bay Pinto (PBA) even though her papers showed her as Silver Bay Pinto.

Edited to add: AMHA has changed colors for me when I sent in for permanent. I assume they would do the same with a transfer if you pointed it out and had pictures to back it up.
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I write on the top of my papers "NO name or colour changes to be made without contacting breeder" VERY firmly.

You should not have to , though, they have NO right to change the recorded colour of the animal without contacting you- it makes a nonsense of the whole registration process!!
To play devils advocate here.. I realize there is mistakes being made now but.. if they are not allowed to change what the breeder puts then that puts as back at square one also.

Grays reg as blue roan, silver buckskins or bays reg as palominos ect...
What gets me is that AMHR was not supposed to be selecting the colors OR changing the markings from what the breeders send in but that is exactly what is happening!
Have had the same thing happen - then they want to charge to change the color. Very frustrating. I sent in papers for an appaloosa - she is blanketed and CLEARLY an appaloosa - they sent them back with "pinto" on them.
In December I sent in pics and a long letter explaining that I thought the color selection was wrong from the breeder as a black and white pinto. I was sure my filly was roaning out. I sent 10 pics and asked AMHR to make the call. They left it at black and white. After clipping her she is clearly blue roan. I called AMHR and they told me if I wanted to change the color I would have to pay the fee and send in new pics etc. It seems like it's a quick way to make a buck. How many of you have had to pay the color change fee?
She is what I would call a smokey black varnish roan Appy. She is NOT gray.

The foal also looks like a black or smokey black to me at this time (his mane does not look dark black though) and Charlie appears to me some type of silver, I would not vote on palomino.... JMO
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I know the colt is black. I also know Cookie is a black varnish roan appy. She isnt smokey. BUt AMHR doesnt like anything I picked so we settled for black appy. I just didnt want her gray and have somebody look her up thinking she is gray.
I had the time of my life to get Betty reg as a is the first picture (not actual reg pic) I mailed in


The called and told me she is NOT I took more updated pics..


Than all of a sudden they had 4 different black colors to offer me..from midnight black to ..I forgot :eek:

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