Funny Video: Obama Voter Interviews Her 2008 Self ☺☺☺

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Spotsy., VA (USA)
Well, I do know this may have limited appeal here on liberal leaning L'il Beginnings, a "place" I love and support dispite the fact. However, I figure a handful of you will get a kick out of this video. I sure did and hope some of you will enjoy it, too
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Ha, I LOVED it (and I'm one of those dang liberals). Gotta step back and laugh cause life is too short and gee, just think, if Romney wins, we'll have even funnier videos.

What would life be without these boards? I grab my coffee and run here every morning because I have a blast. Sure going to be sorry to see the election over.
That was pretty good - I should video my boss talking about her beloved Republican party that she now wants nothing to do with - when she goes on a real rant, she makes that video look dull and boring! She got that glossy Romney folder with the pin up picture and "inspirational" letter in the mail the other day - and literally saw red. I should have whipped out the iPhone and videoed it - and then posted it to YouTube!
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I got that poster too from Romney! I get mailings from him almost every day. Strange though because my car is plastered with "Dogs Against Romney" stickers. Not sure where he got my name but he's wasting campaign money sending stuff to me.
I'm not getting anything but music from it......... what the.........?

Pulled it up on utube-- now THAT is funny- sad but true.
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