I need some advice on what to do!! We moved into the new house a couple of weeks ago. There is this wonderful fruit orchard here that I am so excited about and absolutely LOVE! The trees are mature and were covered with all kinds of fruit a while back: pears, peaches, apples, plums, pecans, and other fruit that I don’t even know about yet

… …. Anyways, the SQUIRRELS ate everything!! And what the squirrels didn’t eat, the bunnies finished up. I was able to get a couple of pears and apples before they enjoyed themselves. What do you do about the squirrels?? Next year I am thinking about that birds netting, but does that work? Or maybe that metal steel around the trunks of the tree, but the trees aren’t very tall IMO. So… what to do?… What to do??? HELP!!!
I have a dog that chases squirrels… I was thinking about putting her out there, but she is an 11 year old Lab, and would they out smart her? Maybe team up on her? So then I was thinking about getting another dog to chase the squirrels…. and before you know it I would have 20 dogs

that ain’t gonna work since I am more of a cat person LOL LOL
So…. What to do?? …. What to do??