Silver City Heritage Farmstead
Can't stop now (formerly Dragons Wish Farm)
Kimbalina, if you could share some pictures of buds, leaves, and canes, I can try to help identify it.
Also, where is it growing? What size are the flowers, as well as the height and width. Sandy or rich soil and things like that. Since there are no native Australian roses (though "Boronia serrulata" sounds lovely, with it's pretty flowers and scented leaves!), we should be able to scrounge up a name for you. If it smells half as nice as it looks, you've gotten a very lucky find indeed.
Also, where is it growing? What size are the flowers, as well as the height and width. Sandy or rich soil and things like that. Since there are no native Australian roses (though "Boronia serrulata" sounds lovely, with it's pretty flowers and scented leaves!), we should be able to scrounge up a name for you. If it smells half as nice as it looks, you've gotten a very lucky find indeed.