I glad you are ok from the fall. You must have some bruises
That is hard work.
Billy was probably thinking why can't he help if Pepper is

Billy was probably thinking why can't he help if Pepper is

Check out your library for some wildflower books. Or a local native plant group. Plant aps are helpful too.Nice pics. Thanks for sharing. I wish i new the names of the wild flowers in my area.
A microscopic insect. Some are good, some are bad. The Southern Root Nematode is baaaaaad. It is a destructive crop pest to southern cotton and tobacco growers. It lays eggs on the roots, which you can see the little nodes. I was so frustrated by the last few years of a poor garden, I am at least happy to know the reason why.My Lily of the Valley are blossoming and they smell like heaven!
Marsha, what's a nematode? Is it a fungal thing? A bug?
It maybe the fruit of the cactus that holds all the seeds, just my guessThis cactus was growing in our yard and I didn’t want to mow over it so we threw it in a pot last summer. Over the fall it got these little red balls, does that mean it is a male?What are these red balls? Will they turn into flowers? If so, it is taking forever! Longer than my orchids. Over winter it had a white powdery something on it so I sprayed it with a fungicide
I know nothing about cactus.
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Yes it is the seed. It should bloom th8s summerIt maybe the fruit of the cactus that holds all the seeds, just my guess
That's only part of the skeleton; another piece was broken off. When I first saw it the rattles were still on it.That's one odd looking skeleton, I though it was a centipede at first. Your yard is gorgeous, not another house to be seen, I envy that!
Your yard is beautiful. The sad face was my feeling of your neighbors lossThat's only part of the skeleton; another piece was broken off. When I first saw it the rattles were still on it.
Thank you for the compliment on our yard. We can see a house from the other side; it is nice to have neighbors.
My horsey neighbor just lost a horse last night to colic; I saw the trac hoe come this morning to dig a hole.