Yes, I think it is a carpenter bee. The wings looked more fly-like, so I wasn't sure.
Sorry about the rabbits. We have had deer stand outside our fenced garden, looking longingly at the apples. And we hardly ever get to harvest the wild plums because the raccoons eat them when they are still unripe.
We got 6 new chicks a couple of weeks ago. They were in the house for a while, but we moved them to a tank in the barn recently. More room to grow and they can come and go under the warm light more easily. They will stay there until big enough to go outside to the pen. We like barred rocks; we've had the best luck with them.

Sorry about the rabbits. We have had deer stand outside our fenced garden, looking longingly at the apples. And we hardly ever get to harvest the wild plums because the raccoons eat them when they are still unripe.
We got 6 new chicks a couple of weeks ago. They were in the house for a while, but we moved them to a tank in the barn recently. More room to grow and they can come and go under the warm light more easily. They will stay there until big enough to go outside to the pen. We like barred rocks; we've had the best luck with them.