kaykay said:
Be sure to pass it by several people before you submit it to get fresh eyes on what you write. I know last year there were some really poorly written submittals that had no chance of passing just because of how they were written.
Absolutely, that has been a concern of mine too (that proposals are being hindered by the writing.)
kaykay said:
Leia be sure you write very clearly and list consequences. This is a major issue with our rulebook now is too many rules but no consequence if you are caught breaking the rule.
A good thought, although thankfully I don't think there would need to be any consequences for simply making a piece of equipment optional. My goal would be to have the check listed as martingales currently are- as something that is perhaps normal but not required for every horse. I'm well aware, as Minimor said, that most people will continue to use them and that the judges will probably be just as confused and concerned by a horse not wearing one as by a horse wearing breeching. But it would be nice to have the option!
kaykay said:
Anna I have seen the difference a checked horse makes (correctly checked) it can make a big difference in the way of going.
Yes, it certainly can. For better or worse!
I've seen quite a few poorly conformed minis that were checked up beyond their comfort level and as a consequence had major back problems. Still, while I would love to have checks outlawed for the same reasons our neighbors across the pond detest them, I know darn well you can't mandate common sense by taking issue with a particular gadget. People are going to continue to do what works and what wins whether that's checks or close clipping or tying a QH's head down or beating a halter Arabian and I'm not going to fight that battle!
Checks CAN be properly used to help a horse learn what you're looking for and I honestly don't mind the darn things when used with consideration for the animal. I just want the option to take it off my finished driving horse if he doesn't need it and it's so loose it's flapping around.
kaykay said:
I have also seen many green drivers that were in no way ready to drive in a class with other drivers and it is scarey. A horse that is not checked can get their head and run off much easier than a checked horse.
That green driver thing is scary.
I've seen plenty of runaways with checks on and it never seems to make any difference. They just put their noses in the air and run blind! Still...behaving myself and not arguing the check issue itself here.
Thanks for sharing the viewpoint!
Minimor said:
Personally I don't think you will ever get enough people to vote in favor of abolishing the check rule. It's tradition. Many people LIKE the way the horses are shown now--the check helps to attain the headset people like, it helps get the all-up-front-nothing-behind way of going that show people want to see.
Even if the check rule were abolished, I believe you'll see little difference in the way of going of the winning show horses. People will still use a check for training. This way of going will be so ingrained in training that the horses will tend to go the same way in the show ring. If anyone is wanting a rule change so that their own 'proper' driving horses will have a fair shot in the breed ring...I don't think it will make a lot of difference.
I agree with you, Minimor. My only interest at this point is seeing it made optional as it is in the Pinto shows and so many others. Thank you for your input!
What else have you guys heard as reasons for checks being mandatory?