I currently have 2 mares at 348 days and 1 at 355 days. I've only had one of the mares for all of her foalings, and she always bags up well (takes her 3-4 weeks), waxes and foals within 12 hours. She has always foaled no later than 336...and here we sit at 348 with a mostly full bag (but could still be fuller). The other 2 are new to me so I don't know their patterns, but both are experienced broodmares. One has had a full, tight bag for almost 2 weeks, has gone back/forth between being puffy/elongated, to all "scrunched up" again. I can finally get fluid fairly easily, but it is still looking fairly clear and just slightly sticky. She is also at 348. The last mare should be at 355, she's a very experienced broodmare who has just kind of done her thing for all of her foals, so I don't have any history on her. She had zero bag a month ago, but there has definitely been a substantial change in appearance, but when I feel it, it's just a small handful, she has a lot of room to bag up more (photos on LB marewaters/marestare forum). We did turn her out with the stallion late June/early July for less than a week to try and keep the stallion from pacing and we did not see her in heat. IF she was bred then, she wouldn't be 330 until around May 27th. Her bag does NOT look like she will hold on until anywhere near that late of a date. She would be 355 today from the last day I bred her. All of the mares were hand bred, with the exception of the less than a week the one was with the stallion. These girls are driving me crazy and not doing what I would normally expect...and definitely going longer than what I would expect!