Ahhh humans, we think we are so smart.
The rain forrests are dissappearing.
Not my fault, thats because of beetles.
The oceans fishes are dissapearring.
Not my fault, thats because of more predators.
The ice sheets/glaciers are shrinking.
Not my fault thats just normal.
The ozone layer is depleating.
not my fault, thats because of ohhh, sunspots.
Of course the Earth is a living creature. Of course there are changes happening that are just nature. But to think, even for one minute, that we are not contributing to its troubles is just being blind and short sighted. But, guess thats ok, we wont be around to see anything majorly catastrophic ( knock wood). All we are doing is pouring gas onto a raging fire with all we do. Bet the generations of the future will be so proud of how 'smart' we think we are.
Oh and just for ha-ha's. Meteorology is NOT the same as Scientific fact. Apples and Oranges.