Global Warming

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Its scary. Actually more like terrifying if you stop and think what would happen if the Atlantic Conveyor shuts down. Wonder how many people know what that is and how vital it is to us?

I do what I can, turn the heat down, a/c up, use fans and the fireplace etc Have replaced all the light bulbs to ext lifers. Having had a depression era Dad, things rubbed off LOL When I am waiting for hot water, that cold water goes into a tub for dog water, or plants etc. I will cut bottles open, when finished, to get the last little goody out LOL Doesnt matter if I have a new one sitting there, thats waste dadgummit!!!
: Cant get rid of the truck, but make sure its tunes, tires filled and I dont run to town, just because. Things are planned. Hubby is the spender, I am the saver
: Mans kinda lucky I havent killed him yet LOL

Wish big business would snap out of it and realize what is happening. but oh well, upgrades would cut into their bottom line and thus their end of the year bonuses.
Conveyor shuts down. Wonder how many people know what that is and how vital it is to us?
If people have seen the movie called "The Day After Tomorrow" that is what happen in that movie thay caused so much cold to come to New York City
Well I always go hmmmm...on this topic......seems like every few millenia this planet goes through some sort of warming/or cooling trend......of course the planet we live on is alive it is an organism unto itself change is bound to happen with or without us
: more and more I think we have less impact than we like to credit ourselves with
: .....
Well I always go hmmmm...on this topic......seems like every few millenia this planet goes through some sort of warming/or cooling trend......of course the planet we live on is alive it is an organism unto itself change is bound to happen with or without us
: more and more I think we have less impact than we like to credit ourselves with
: .....
Oh do I agree 100% with you on that~!! Earth is soooo Dynamic and does so much just as Mother Earth wishes. Shoot they can't even get a weather report that close until just Hours before some storms hit...The storm track is here then it is marked there and guess what? it moves further one way or the Other Weather guys with all their computers can't even get a forecast that accurate. Why? Because so many many things are in control that are still not understood. A good meteorologists is accurate about 10% of time I heard.. How long would YOU be on a job IF you only did something at 10% You would be gone before the clock would strike on the Hour~!
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True the Planet does go through changes but none have been as quick as the one that is happening now. It does not good t bury your head in the sand and hope it will go away.

It is here to stay unless we change out ways.

The Planet, our Mother is desperately sending us messages, and has been since all the pollution started escalating.

We have found yet another way to kill ourselves, we are unique in this, we are the only animal that changes it's surroundings to suit itself, all other animals adapt or die.

We are killing the Planet, and no-one really cares.

I find it sad that there will not be a world by the time we are ready to be able to seriously think about leaving this world to explore others, but then I think of the untold damage our race would inflict on any other habitable Planet it found and I think maybe it is for the best.

We have outlived our usefulness and expanded beyond our ability to support ourselves, so I guess, denying that there is a problem to the last, the Human Race will merely cease to be.

I really hope there is a chance for the Earth to recover, once we are gone.
Ahhh humans, we think we are so smart.

The rain forrests are dissappearing.

Not my fault, thats because of beetles.

The oceans fishes are dissapearring.

Not my fault, thats because of more predators.

The ice sheets/glaciers are shrinking.

Not my fault thats just normal.

The ozone layer is depleating.

not my fault, thats because of ohhh, sunspots.

Of course the Earth is a living creature. Of course there are changes happening that are just nature. But to think, even for one minute, that we are not contributing to its troubles is just being blind and short sighted. But, guess thats ok, we wont be around to see anything majorly catastrophic ( knock wood). All we are doing is pouring gas onto a raging fire with all we do. Bet the generations of the future will be so proud of how 'smart' we think we are.

Oh and just for ha-ha's. Meteorology is NOT the same as Scientific fact. Apples and Oranges.

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