Going to my first sanctioned show

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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I am going to my first sanctioned show. The first day is AMHR showing the second and third day is AMHA showing.

I am entered in showmanship.

In AMHR do you do the half system or quarter system for showmanship?

In AMHA is it halves or quarters?

How complex are the showmanship patterns in AMHR and AMHA? In AQHA and APHA they could get pretty complex sometimes.

The horse I am showing cannot yet do a really good pivot. Sometimes she will pivot, but step out of the pivot when she is almost done the turn. I don;'t think she will have it quite down pat by the show. Sometimes she doesn't set up quite 100% either. Should I go a head and enter her in showmanship anyways? Just for experience?

In halter classes do you line up head to tail, or side to side like a showmanship class?

In halter do you do the halving system? When I showed halter with Quarter Horses I always did.

We are bringing one yearling filly. Although she gets plenty of good feed (beet pulp, BOSS, and a good complete feed), she is still on the under weight side. She doesn't imeadiately appear under weight to me, but she looks a little bit hippy and a little bit thin through the neck. You cannot see her ribs or her spine. Will we get penalized really badly for this? She has had her teeth floated recently and she gets lots of good feed, she is just growing like a weed! Do a lot of yearlings do this?

If we bomb in the ring, I hope no one is rude to us! We just want to show and have a good time.
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half system for showmanship-Vanessa
...for AMHR. AMHA uses the quarter system. Go to the AMHR rulebook online and read the showmanship section--it will give you lots of information. I just checked the AMHA Rulebook and both associations select from the same three patterns--unless you're 7 and Under you will have to do #2 or #3. Many Showmanship horses step out of their pivots, and that alone won't blow the class for you. 50% of your score is on the appearance of the handler (10 points) and horse (40 points. Conditioning, grooming, trimming and tack--NOT conformation).

Go! Enter!! Watch and learn!! I cna remeber back when I was thrilled when my kids made it through a class and remembered to turn thier horses the correct way!! I'm a Reserve National Champion, and I have:

--forgotten my pattern

--forgotten my number


--wasn't paying attention and didn't notice my horse had pulled her chain into her mouth
I am going to my first sanctioned show. The first day is AMHR showing the second and third day is AMHA showing.

I am entered in showmanship.

In AMHR do you do the half system or quarter system for showmanship?

In AMHA is it halves or quarters?

How complex are the showmanship patterns in AMHR and AMHA? In AQHA and APHA they could get pretty complex sometimes.

The horse I am showing cannot yet do a really good pivot. Sometimes she will pivot, but step out of the pivot when she is almost done the turn. I don;'t think she will have it quite down pat by the show. Sometimes she doesn't set up quite 100% either. Should I go a head and enter her in showmanship anyways? Just for experience?

In halter classes do you line up head to tail, or side to side like a showmanship class?

In halter do you do the halving system? When I showed halter with Quarter Horses I always did.

We are bringing one yearling filly. Although she gets plenty of good feed (beet pulp, BOSS, and a good complete feed), she is still on the under weight side. She doesn't imeadiately appear under weight to me, but she looks a little bit hippy and a little bit thin through the neck. You cannot see her ribs or her spine. Will we get penalized really badly for this? She has had her teeth floated recently and she gets lots of good feed, she is just growing like a weed! Do a lot of yearlings do this?

If we bomb in the ring, I hope no one is rude to us! We just want to show and have a good time.
Are you going to the Armstrong, B.C. show? That's my absolute favorite show, although we haven't been able to go in a few years. I do hope to be able to go again next year or the year after, however. You will have a great time, and don't worry about people being rude--the people on the B.C. circuit just couldn't be nicer and they are all really helpful, too. You'll be fine.

As for your questions, yes, go ahead and enter showmanship just for the experience! It won't matter if you're not perfect. AMHR does the half system and AMHA does the quarter system. Patterns for AMHA can be complicated, but many local shows just use one of Pattern 1, 2 or 3 from the rule book. I'm not sure about AMHR because I don't show R, sorry.

For halter classes, you line up head to tail, and you don't need to use either the half or quarter system. Although it's always a good idea to be aware of where the judge is, most people stand in front of their horse in order to get a good expression and pose from the horse (ie ears forward, archy neck, etc.).

Good luck, and most importantly, have fun!
Yes we are going to the Armstrong BC show. Our stall decorations will be our NorthWest 4-H Club stall decorations (lots of light and dark blue!). This year we are only bringing two horses, but next year we plan to bring three or four.

I'm the short one with black hair who will probably be very overwhelmed by this whole Miniature showing business. I've only ever showed Quarter Horses and I have been told that is a whole different atmosphere.

I hope to have lots of fun.

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