His office callled this am and said to be there tomorrow morning. For 4 1/2 months nothing, to everything happening all at once. I am not going to lie about it, I am scared...
Afraid that he won't be able to help/assist, and afraid that he can. What if he panics, what if he "thinks" is the right way to do it, is not. We have been all over the US with top notch Vascular surgeons that won't touch it, to a local at a county hosp. Are we doing the right thing?? We have second guessed ourselves so much that we don't know what the right thing to do is anymore. We so desperately want this to be over. This surgeon is the first to give us hope..I know that I am getting way ahead of myself, I don't even know if he will do this. But for his office to call me and say get in here, we are hopefull. (He has all of my records and a copy of the MRI's) I know that I am panicing, no doubt, I guess that I am looking for reassurance and for someone to tell me that I am making the right choice to place my life in the hands of this Dr. But at this point, he is all that we have...UGH!!!!!
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