Huge GPS fan here! I have a GPS in my car and a GPS in my truck (it came with it
). I have a Tom-Tom ..i bought mine at wal-mart and i got my truck from my brother and he left his GPS in it and its the exact same as mine so.
At work, my other brother has GPS in all of his semi's ..they really are worth their weight in gold.
They are really priceless and so accurate ..really helpful. I feel safe to go places by myself with it, no fighting with a mapquest print out. I still print out mapquest directions when i go somewhere incase the tomtom quits or goes out. But it shows everything ...streams ...rivers ...lakes in the backyards ..rail road tracks.
What do i NOT like about it? Well does go off from time to time will go off for a few minutes and power back on if the signal is lost which is why its handy to have mapquest with you just incase. I bought a special window mount for it that keeps the rattling to a minimum (i think i got it at best buy?) and it helps keep it from rattling loose. I think mine was just like $190.00 at wal-mart. My brother paid more near $300.00 for his back in the day ...
Here is mine fro the passangers seat can kind of see it off to the side somewhat ..
Its nice ..on the right side it tell you ..
~ The arrow shows which way you will be turning next
~ The miles below that is how far until your next turn or how far you have left on that road
~ Current speed
~ Current Time
~ Approx Arival Time
~ Miles Left
When you get to your destination and you are getting ready to go home, you do not have to reset the directions ..just click "Home" and its alread pre set.