Graduation night

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Southern, NJ
Well we did it!!!
: Lakota officially graduated from Finishing School tonight along with her classmates and we could'nt be prouder of our "little" girl! She's so tuckered now, she came home and took a long nap, got up played some more and now I think she's down for the night. :lol: It was so exciting, we had a full house, and now we can expect to go onto bigger and bolder competitions and classes...we of course have to do it step by step...because she's only still a puppy!! We're doing rally currently and next we'll go onto Novice Obedience, God willing. She did very well with her CGC (Canine Good Citizen), now we just need more time and practice under our belts before getting tested for certification.

Just a couple of pics to share with you...and thanks for letting me share our adventures with you all! Sorry some of them are so dark.

Wonderdogs part of the arena, before the hoopla!


Testing at the "Wait".


All work and no play? Never...a puppy HAS to play with her toys...even if it's in public!!

Congratulations, (need to lighten up the pictures up some) :aktion033:

Hope you don't mind

Last edited by a moderator: can express mail her here anyday
:aktion033: Congrats Cheyenne and Lakota!!! How about a pic of the proud momma and proud graduate? I'd like to see just how big she is compared to you.
Great teamwork, you guys!!!! NOW I can see the photos!!!! Thanks for sharing her adventure with us - she looks like she had a great time!

Liz R.
Way to go Lakota. :aktion033: You''ve done a great job with her Sterling. I'm proud for both of you!
:saludando: Looks like so much FUN!
: Congratulations on her accomplishments! :aktion033:
Gosh all you guys thank you ALL sooo much!!! :bgrin
: Wow...I feel humbled...I guess I look to Lakota as being really proud of her and all of her accomplishments....and you guys add me to the mix....well....I guess I did'nt really quite think about it that way! But thank you all for the kudos!! :aktion033: And Farmhand you're awesome for helping me out with the brightness of these pics! :bgrin

Our two Cane Corsos will be graduating from beginner's obedience next Friday. They will then begin the next week with Intermediate classes. They are just 5 months old and huge! Ben is a better student than his sister Bella. He has the laid back personality, and the need to be loved and praised all the time. She is the more independent type, and likes to do things "her own way." She is extremely intelligent, and when she decides she wants to do whatever the right way, she does a great job of it!

Congratulations again, I know how proud of Lakota you must be!
Thanks JustUs! I have to say out of all the dog breeds I've ever owned she is just so awesome! Good luck to you with Ben and Bella....this is just the start of good things to come! Keep up the good work and keep us posted on how you guys are progressing.

Oh and yes...they do get big quickly :bgrin ...I have Lakota on Large Puppy controlled formula food. Did'nt want her to grow too big too soon. Pretty soon I'll be changing her over to regular.
We have ours on Authority Puppy food for large breeds. Has lots of glucosime and chondrotin added for large breed dogs to help in the hip issues. They gain from 3-5 pounds weekly with it. Hope it isn't too much weight gain, but they are also gaining height at the same time. They are being fed free choice, and if they were gaining any more per week, I would worry, but I think this is about right. What is your opinion on this?

Bella is not as heavy boned as Ben, and looks in good shape. Ben is stockier built, and looks in the belly and hips, as if he could stand more weight. I think they are great dogs, they stay outside most of the day, and come when they want a little human company, a nap, or some food. They are in a fenced yard, and with the two of them as big as they are, I don't think I could handle it if they were indoors 24-7. They do mind all their commands when inside, but can't help being puppies! Just like little kids, they sometimes have to be told more than once. This is a totally new breed to us, and we both are excited with the personalities of both of them. Jerry loves rescue work, and hopes to take Bella on after a few more obedience classes. I just want Ben to mind, (he is a great lover of children), and be my companion when we go to horse shows. He loves going to classes and meeting all the new "people", doggie and human. Bella likes to go as well. Guess I have bragged enough, but they are great dogs! I can't imagine how many people you and Lakota have charmed into getting a Cane Corso. I know that Ben and Bella have caused a lot of stir when we take them in the car with us. Ben, being a tubby color attracts a lot of comments and oooohs and ahhhhs, and then he shows off some of his commands, and then I tell everyone how old he is. Our trainer has said thank you to us more than once. It isn't us, it's those beautiful dogs of ours!
She is just the neatest dog (don't let her know I called her a dog, okay?)! And she is so shiny! It looks like you must groom her a lot, way more than I groom Kelsey who's got long hair. Lakota is just a dog who really has so much personality even through pictures!

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