Well-Known Member
JustUs---Lakota started out when we got her a little underweight for her size according to our vet. Once I got hertho she has always been about 10 pounds ahead of her age. In other words when she was 5 months old she was already about 62 lbs. At 10 months old she is 102...but I think she has gained some more in the past 3 weeks since we weighed her at the vet's office. My vet seems to think she is growing at a good rate...they do get heavy quickly and tall. When they mature they look trimline but they are all muscle and that is where the weight comes in. I can't lift Lakota at all! When she gets in my lap...and yes she does,
: when she realizes I'm getting ready to move her off...she makes herself even more heavier by acting like a sack of potatoes...LOL !!! :bgrin And hubby has to come help me to keep her from smashing me...she's such a goofball! I think you will have so much fun with your guys, and I agree they definitely are people magnets. When she turns a year old I plan to change her over to Nutro Large breed food which also has Glucosamine and Condroitin in it...wish they made a giant breed dog food. If you can post some pics of your guys would love to see them! What color is tubby considered?
Jill----awww thank you so much! I was just thinking about Kelsey the other day. Did she get her spay surgery yet? Actually I brush Lakota maybe 3 times a week...but it's not necessary, because she's short coated and they don't shed much. But I do it anyway because it feels so good to her. I take the brush out and both girls get all happy and hoppy. Then when it's brush time they stand so perfectly still just when you hit the right's comical!

Jill----awww thank you so much! I was just thinking about Kelsey the other day. Did she get her spay surgery yet? Actually I brush Lakota maybe 3 times a week...but it's not necessary, because she's short coated and they don't shed much. But I do it anyway because it feels so good to her. I take the brush out and both girls get all happy and hoppy. Then when it's brush time they stand so perfectly still just when you hit the right's comical!