Graying out?

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Jess P

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Hi everyone, I have a color question about my gelding Dusty. We clipped him today and I noticed many, many white hairs all over his body, especially on his face. I was wondering if it is possible for him to be graying out at almost 8 years old? He is a chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail.

I also noticed three or four white spots on his inner left hind thigh.
I'd call it more like "age roaning" ..... not sure what the technical term is. I've seen several of our solid colored horses develop the white hairs mixed into their regular color as they've gotten older.

Horses who have the graying gene will start showing it when they are weanlings, usually around their eyes first.

I have always thought Dusty had Sabino- which would explain everything.

I also have a sneaky suspicion he is Silver Bay!!!
I was just telling my mom the other day that I thought he was roan because of all of his white hairs. I do not think he is silver bay, however. I will get pictures today!
I think he is showing sabino--the roaning is very typical. jennifer :saludando:
Interesting! I have to agree it looks like sabino type roaning

Yep, that is Sabino- see the white spot in the middle of his forehead???

Very minimal Sabino.

And he could be Chestnut + Flaxen + Sabino, easily, and be this colour- there is no need for him to be Silver at all.

I have just always had a sneaky feeling about him, that's all
Wow! How exciting! I have always wanted a horse of a very interesting color. I feel bad now because I have been showing him in solid color and he has always placed high :new_shocked:
Yes, I would tend to agree with Jane about the Sabino. It is pretty sneeky. The spots on his forehead and especially the once inside his thigh do look very much like Sabino markings.

And Sabino -- from what I've been told as I am not an expert by any means -- can start showing up at different ages of a horse's life. Definitely sneeky!


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