Greencastle sale

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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We went to the sale and prices were relativly low. Some fillies and colts were 100-200 dollars. Some went for 1000.00 One little appy colt went for 1500.

I seen some nice horses. Usually this sale only has registered horses, this time they had unregistered horses.

We did really well. There was one precious yearling I had to have!!! She looks like one of my mares, but babyfied! She is sweet, friendly and well behaved. No I didnt need a yearling, but she is a doll!!! Pics to come with the prices of other horses.

We had a nice time and met nice people. I just hope the market turns around. I cant see selling for so cheap after commission.

A lot of babies were clipped and came with blankets. I just feel bad with winter cominng. My yearling was clipped prob about 2 months ago. I am still worried about the winter for her. I did put a blanket on her for the ride home. Should I be concerend in the winter months??

I would love to see who got what. Please share!!!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Snofires Tradewind Traveler"></a>

I went and bought #132, a black/white colt with partial blue eyes. I hope the pics came through. I also wondered about clipping this time of year. We had to buy a blanket at the sale to bring this baby home so he didn't freeze his butt off. Most of the buyers had left with full trailers before he even hit the ring. I got him unbelievably cheap!
This was the first sale I have ever been to. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality and condition of most of the horses. The prices were low, but allowed me to purchsase a couple of nice colts. I bought lot 53 a bay colt out of Hunt House Farms Medalion and lot 65 a blue roan colt out of Lucky Four Skippa Buck Deluxe and and Lucky Four Blackvelvet Roan Fancy. With a name like Buckadoozy, how could you go wrong! Thank goodness I didn't have any more room in the trailer.


Timeless Miniature Horses

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Snofires Tradewind Traveler"></a>
I went and bought #132, a black/white colt with partial blue eyes. I hope the pics came through. I also wondered about clipping this time of year. We had to buy a blanket at the sale to bring this baby home so he didn't freeze his butt off. Most of the buyers had left with full trailers before he even hit the ring. I got him unbelievably cheap!
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Here's who I got!
oohhh I love him!! I thought he was the cutest little thing. Congrats!!

Once I get my computer running and software installed I will share my pic. I bought the snowflake app yearling. Soooo Cute!!!
He is a sweet little guy, you can tell he was well loved and handled daily. His breeding is topside-Lucky Four & Toyland and bottomside-Flying W Farms. He is A/R registered and I left the sale with both papers in hand. Last night it got down into the 30's so we made leggings out of gym socks and have kept his blanket on because it's been so windy also. I kept him in the barn yesterday and today until the wind stops. Sun should be out tomorrow so I'll let him bask in that. Can't wait to see the pics of your filly. By the way, I REALLY wanted that tiny appy colt but I didn't take that much money with me! Westwind had some pretty nice horses, is your filly from there? Where were you sitting at the sale? I had to stand all day so I was all over the place!
I bought 128 cross county zorro a blk geld broke to drive we owned him a few years ago and was happy to get him back. But we were really happy to get 126 a buckskin leopard stallion. He was amha and amhr. Dna tested and lab tested buckskin. He was very jumpy in the ring reared and struck at the handler then tryed to kick someone in the ring but he has been a gentleman at home. We are really happy to get him. I cannot wait to breed him next spring.

I am going to try to attach a few photos the previous owner emailed me.




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We were at the sale. Had a good time even with the rain. Met some nice people there Nancy from Galloping G and Joyce from Shady 5. Also met up with a few old friends as well. Always good to see Ed and his crew and the donkey folks I never can remember their names. We did get plenty of tack from the sale as well as more from Nick after.

It was nice to see a few new people get into minis that day. That one little girl who got the dark pinto filly (lot 17 maybe?). We watched dad check with her as he bid and she apprently kept telling him to keep going! She got her horse! Later in the afternoon they were in line in front of us at TSC getting supplies for her new mini.

Did any get the price on lot 109. I think she was the palamino from Westwind. Really a cute filly and what a fuzzball that day.

I didnt get the numbers that far. We bought number 82 and ran out!!! We also picked up a nice cart for 400!!! It is a single or team cart. I will send pic now that I got my coputer up and running. She is a doll!!!!
Knighthawke I met Tattoo on his home turf as Lori is a friend of mine. He is one amazing and beautiful stallion
and if he was a couple of inches shorter, he would be in MY barn right now! I can't wait to see his foals next spring. Congratulations on a deal of a lifetime.
did anyone get the prices I was to busy to get them all. Congradulations knighthawke on the purchase of my stallion Tatoo. I would not have sold him if it wasnt for my husbands health problems and lack of job. Lorie
Here is the little girl we bought at the sale. She is sooo sweet


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