Tammy is right, there are NO dumb questions..and OHHHH YEAHHHHH...we sure can be slow at responding.

Here are a few you can try.
These are for homemade fly sprays..
Cider vinegar and dawn BLUE dishsoap (it has to be the blue) and water, mix equal parts, shake, and spray on the donkeys.
64 oz. of SSS (Avons Skin so soft) 6 to 8 tablespoons of Eucalyptus oil, put this into a gallon container and add enough white vinegar to fill the gallon up. The big plus for this one is it stays put, and leaves a thin film, where the commercial stuff sweats off a donkey or horse. Plus, it smells good.
Horse and Donkey wipe:
Baby oil ( I buy the cheap kind from the dollar store) and peppermint mouthwash. Mix equal parts together. Store in a closed containe
From the ones I have tried, I would say that they dont work as good as your expensize sprays do , but they sure work as good as your cheaper brands do..if not better.
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