Ground Squirrels

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2007
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Northern Nevada
Does anyone have a way to get rid of Ground Squirrels? I just saw another one yesterday. The cats had one in the front drive about 2 weeks ago. When he got away he was headed down the street. FAST!! I just saw this other one last night. He is getting into my feed and I was wondering why I didn't have any eggs. He has been stealing them.
I had also found a secondary nest my hens were using and this little monster cleaned the nest out of old eggs. I am ready to get a shotgun. But, I am in city limits and can not use a firearm. Any ideas?
I found my tender trap. I have had squirrels before. I just have to go to my brothers house and pick it up. What would you bait it with? I can't remember what we used the last time. It was about 8 years ago. I could set the trap and within 5 minutes I would have a squirrel trapped. I felt bad because 1 squirrel had a heart attack from being cought.
I found my tender trap. I have had squirrels before. I just have to go to my brothers house and pick it up. What would you bait it with? I can't remember what we used the last time. It was about 8 years ago. I could set the trap and within 5 minutes I would have a squirrel trapped. I felt bad because 1 squirrel had a heart attack from being cought.
Well, since he/they are already getting into your feed and eggs, either would probably be good bait.

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