Growing up before my eyes

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Southern, NJ
I can't believe how quickly time has flown by and my baby girl is already 10 months old. With a few obedience and puppy classes under her belt, she is preparing for Finishing school graduation tomorrow night, God willing. We have started rally and our trainers tell me she has potential to possibly soon go for her novice title! We've come a long way together....she's growing like a weed. I caught her in one of her "majestic moods" watching and guarding the farm this evening. Took them to photo shop and played with charcoal and edges. Here's my "puppy" Lakota, 10 months old and over 102 pounds (so far) of solid muscle!!!
: :bgrin Thanks for letting me share her from puppy-dom to adolescence!


Charcoal version

She is still and always will be one of my favorite girls! I love the first one!
:aktion033: Wow! First she is really coming into her own, a true beauty!

Second Congats on Graduation! :bgrin Have fun in Rally- make sure you tell us all about it.

WOW! Cheyenne, she is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I am so in live with her! What is the "slobber factor" with her?

Can you explain to me what "rally" is? Thankies!
Thanks you guys!! We think she's very special too.....she can be so goofy at times so to see her looking so serious and all "grown up" just tickles us to pieces!! Sharon---you have a PM.
She is sooo beautiful, and you are such a devoted "mommy" to her!! She obviously has the BEST of homes there with you!!
Thank you appymom!

And thanks so much Mona....I'm so glad my devotion and affection for this little girl shows thru in my posts...She picked us out and stole our hearts from the first time we saw her. Also our little Boxer girl can't be too far behind....we're taking her to an agility workshop this Sunday and then move on to rally....hubby will be handling her. This has definitely been a busy winter with the dogs! :bgrin :aktion033:
Your little Lakota isn't so little anymore!!! She is beautiful!! And you have done such a great job with her training, too! Any plans to show her this summer? I'll bet she would do great!!!

Liz R.
Liz and Jill...thank you!! :bgrin Yes!!! I plan to take her to some rally matches whenever we become ready....I have to plan my summer between the horses and the pups now....just wish I could find some close horse shows to attend. Have been thinking about the one in DE in May, but that still will be a drive for us....and we have no farm sitter....we would probably have to stay in a hotel, and without a farm sitter that would'nt be impossible.

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