My dog Roxy

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Sometimes Purebred Champion Dogs are not as purebred as they are put forth to be. When I was a kid we had a collie. Yes, her name was Lassie (isn't everyones?). She had produces a couple of very nice litters bred to your average non-shown dog. My parents wanted better. So, she was bred to a CH. NO, Lassie NEVER got out of the backyard or the house. She had 8 collies and 2 Russian Wolf Hounds. It went to an investigation with AKC. Turned out that CH got his papers yanked because other females he was bred to did the same thing.
Sorry, but this is absolutely impossible. No one dog, can produce two different breeds. Certainly some, even within a litter of purebreds, can look different from others, but ONLY if the bitch was bred by two different males (breeds) and both breedings 'took', could she have produced a litter of different breed pups. There have indeed been such cases and when the both possible sires were known and puppies DNA'd, were they able to discover which sire sired which puppies.

When exactly was this, since all such cases are reported in the AKC Gazette?


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