You know what actually happened to me last year at my very 1st "R" show with my 7 yr old stallion Sentra??? I had a person come up to me and tell me to my face that "How dare I bring my stupid horse to their show." I was shocked!
and just smiled and said... "I'll see you at the next show and win your stupid ribbons there as well with my stupid horse!" And walked away. What I guess is that because my stud who has never been in the showring before won many 1st-3rds when he really did'nt stand still very long as he yelled his head off, he should have never placed in thet persons eyes. But after my 1st class, the judge walked up to me and informed me that in his opinion, I had one of the best looking horse at the show that weekend and with a little more work he'll win like crazy! I took that as a HUGE compliment and that is what kept me showing the rest of last year and now this year as well. I am proud of my horse and love to show him even if he's a s***head in the ring!
I just smile and laugh as he's having the time of his life and that's all that matters to me. And if it's a waste of money... who cares, it's my money not anyones elses. To this day, I see the same person at every show I go to and all I get is dirty looks but who cares as I'm there to have fun and I'm not going to stop just because of a few bad folks in the crowd.
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