Guess who has highspeed AND a new computer!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
I just had to share my excitement. Over the past few weeks, my old compter has gone straight to you know where
. Over the past 6-7 years i have gone through 4 Dell computer (enough said!). It literally took my hours for anything to load and marestare .....puh-lease, i have been in the dark ages far to long. I believe my old computer actually got infected with a virus as i started getting all those nasty pop ups and odd icons on my desktop of it somehow managed to run EVEN slower. I could only be on the internet for about 4 minutes before 'it' would decide i had enough fun and boot me off. I knew i had to get a new computer before marestare bc i refuse to miss out another season.

Sooooo ...

I purchased a brand new HP Windows Vista (i think that is what its called), 19'' flat screen (i cannot remember what they are called but its the 1'' thin mon) Mon and i got DSL to top it off. I feel free once agian and can finially visit all your pretty websites and see all your pretty horses

I am a little sad that i lost 2 years of photos that were on my computer and other documents (horse health documents, sales documents, all my records) ...i know i could have transfered them but if my computer was infected, i didnt want to risk screwing up this one. Luckly most of my all time faverite photos are on my website or photobucket.

I will be joining you all on marestare this season
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Oh, lucky you. Congratulations. I wish I could get high speed where I am. I just keep wishing. I'm way out on the end of the line. I have an address from one town but a phone number from the next town so it might be QUITE a while. But I'm really happy for you. Enjoy it.
That is great!!! We got high speed (broadband plate on our roof) about a year and a half ago and I love it!!!! You get used to it fast and I used to be frustrated having DSL at my office and dial up at home.

Also, I think you will like Vista. I know it gets knocked but I've not had any problems with my new laptop. A couple older programs will not work for me on it, but that is to be expected given how old those programs are.

Enjoy zooming around online!!!

I'm delighted for you! I got highspeed last year as a Christmas present from my husband. I just love it! It saves me so much time. Before, I spent most of my time, waiting. :DOH! Now, I can visit all the wonderful websites and see everyone's horses & animals. It just opened up the world for me. You'll see!
Oh Leeana, so glad!!

I will be up and running with cameras this spring and I have to say, time for a new computer here too!. I am hoping for an after Christmas special.

We have 9 mares due to foal if nothing happens. Maybe you can be watching and I can wave!

Merry Christmas and CONGRATS!
Yikes Leeanna first I gotta tell boyfriend runs a computer store and he tells me all the time...your documents and information are stored in files that do not get corrupted! You could have had the guys at the store back up your documents! If I were you I would hurry up and call and ask to get those back before they wipe your old hard drive clean...any time left to do that? I have lost everything pictures...things like that and it really SUCKS when you wish you had them a few years later!

on the up side - welcome to high speed internet! I personally hate's not compatible with a lot of things that regular windows and XP are compatible with...but if it works for you, yahoo! Maybe i'm just old fashioned LOL!
Yikes Leeanna first I gotta tell boyfriend runs a computer store and he tells me all the time...your documents and information are stored in files that do not get corrupted! You could have had the guys at the store back up your documents! If I were you I would hurry up and call and ask to get those back before they wipe your old hard drive clean...any time left to do that? I have lost everything pictures...things like that and it really SUCKS when you wish you had them a few years later!
Honestly, the old computer is boxed up ..i would like nothing better then to take a baseball bat to that things to make up for hours and hours of stress. Im really not to worried about the files or pictures i have lost, i've already saved most the photos off my photobucket account to a file in my computer. I dont think that computer will be hooked up ever agian or even taken out of the box, unless for me to take some frustration out on

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