Little Wolf Ranch
Well-Known Member
Hello to all the Aunties out there!
Yep! It's that time of year again! While foaling season started early for me with the arrival of "Nova", a beautiful black minimal tobiano & splash filly out of our mare Allula - a loud tobiano & splash black/white 32.50" mare and by our soon-to-be-retired stallion Sampson - a minimal tobiano bay/white 31.75" stallion. Little Nova was born on the VERY chilly night of January 5th 2013 but arrived safely and healthy - and oh so gorgeous! Nova is the first live filly (one was lost to a severe dystocia the other to placentitis) we have gotten from Sampson AND to top it off - a gorgeous black pinto as well! I've now decided to geld him and let him enjoy living with the girls year round like he loves to do - he's also going to be my main performance show horse for 2013, so Missy & Emmie are carrying his last two foals and I can't wait to see them.
First up is "Missy"
(dates below are the earliest possible dates)
290 days ~ March 5th
330 days ~ April 15th
Many of you know that Missy lost her May 2012 bay pinto blue eyed filly due to a missed diagnosis of placentitis. My vet assured me that it was probably a freak accident and the odds of her having it again, especially now that we know the rare warning signs, is slim to none and even if she were to have it - we are prepared to catch it VERY early on.
So, we decided to breed Missy back to our main herd sire for last year and we expect her to have a lovely & healthy March/April foaling. As per her normal routine when she is very heavy in foal - she's already getting very wide and low in her belly and has become a "loner" and not wanting anyone to mess with her, bless her heart. At feeding time though you can see that little one enjoying meal time just as much as Missy!
This foal will be AMHR eligible, should mature about 31-32" (according to previous foals) and according to the color calculator I should end up with one of the following possibilites as a base color (did not include their tobiano and splash genetics)
**As of right now she has no udder development, so I believe we will be aiming for an April foaling**
25% - Palomino or Sorrel
21.88% - Buckskin or Bay
3.13% - Smokey Black or Black
Second is our maiden mare "Emmie"
(dates below are the earliest possible dates)
290 days ~ October 10th
330 days ~ November 19th
A new mare which I just recently purchased back in December, Emmie - an AMHA/AMHR Buckeroo grand-daughter and very heavily Buckeroo bred on top and bottom, standing at 32.75" tall and is a beautiful (maybe carrying silver?) buckskin tobiano and I believe with her markings that she carries splash as well. I LOVED this mare the moment I saw her - she was born to move! Not to mention she is a love bug and you can't peel her off of you for scratches lol. When she arrived to the farm I realized that since the previous owners had her under lights, she was still cycling and just so happened she was in heat so she was exposed December 24, 26 & 27, 2012 to Sampson so we are looking forward to an October/November foal from this girl. Normally I wouldn't do this but we are building a new barn this summer that will be fully enclosed and heated so no worries there!
With the pedigree, conformation, movement and temperment both Emmie and Sampson have - I am looking forward to a knock out foal. I believe she is pregnant but then again she likes to be a flirt so I will be having her confirmed in foal so all the aunties can mark her on their "expecting" list!
This foal will be AMHR eligible (Sampson is R only unfortunately), I'm guessing to mature about 32-33" and according to the color calculator I should end up with one of the following as a base color (listing Emmie as a silver buckskin as I believe she is), again I did not include their pinto genetics.
20.51% - silver buckskin, buckskin, silver bay or bay
6.25% - palomino or sorrel
1.37% - smokey black, silver smokey black, silver black or black
I am currently away from my computer with pictures on it of both my lovely girls but as soon as I get home this evening I will add some for all of you aunties! Also, barn cams WON'T be up and running through MareStare again this year in time for Missy to foal - but hopefully we will have better internet installed before Emmie's foaling since she is a maiden!
(PS: We had a name change from Tybee Tyme Minis to Little Wolf Ranch......full explanation and a "new addition" to be announced soon!)

Yep! It's that time of year again! While foaling season started early for me with the arrival of "Nova", a beautiful black minimal tobiano & splash filly out of our mare Allula - a loud tobiano & splash black/white 32.50" mare and by our soon-to-be-retired stallion Sampson - a minimal tobiano bay/white 31.75" stallion. Little Nova was born on the VERY chilly night of January 5th 2013 but arrived safely and healthy - and oh so gorgeous! Nova is the first live filly (one was lost to a severe dystocia the other to placentitis) we have gotten from Sampson AND to top it off - a gorgeous black pinto as well! I've now decided to geld him and let him enjoy living with the girls year round like he loves to do - he's also going to be my main performance show horse for 2013, so Missy & Emmie are carrying his last two foals and I can't wait to see them.
First up is "Missy"
(dates below are the earliest possible dates)
290 days ~ March 5th
330 days ~ April 15th

Many of you know that Missy lost her May 2012 bay pinto blue eyed filly due to a missed diagnosis of placentitis. My vet assured me that it was probably a freak accident and the odds of her having it again, especially now that we know the rare warning signs, is slim to none and even if she were to have it - we are prepared to catch it VERY early on.
So, we decided to breed Missy back to our main herd sire for last year and we expect her to have a lovely & healthy March/April foaling. As per her normal routine when she is very heavy in foal - she's already getting very wide and low in her belly and has become a "loner" and not wanting anyone to mess with her, bless her heart. At feeding time though you can see that little one enjoying meal time just as much as Missy!
This foal will be AMHR eligible, should mature about 31-32" (according to previous foals) and according to the color calculator I should end up with one of the following possibilites as a base color (did not include their tobiano and splash genetics)
**As of right now she has no udder development, so I believe we will be aiming for an April foaling**
25% - Palomino or Sorrel
21.88% - Buckskin or Bay
3.13% - Smokey Black or Black
Second is our maiden mare "Emmie"
(dates below are the earliest possible dates)
290 days ~ October 10th
330 days ~ November 19th

A new mare which I just recently purchased back in December, Emmie - an AMHA/AMHR Buckeroo grand-daughter and very heavily Buckeroo bred on top and bottom, standing at 32.75" tall and is a beautiful (maybe carrying silver?) buckskin tobiano and I believe with her markings that she carries splash as well. I LOVED this mare the moment I saw her - she was born to move! Not to mention she is a love bug and you can't peel her off of you for scratches lol. When she arrived to the farm I realized that since the previous owners had her under lights, she was still cycling and just so happened she was in heat so she was exposed December 24, 26 & 27, 2012 to Sampson so we are looking forward to an October/November foal from this girl. Normally I wouldn't do this but we are building a new barn this summer that will be fully enclosed and heated so no worries there!
With the pedigree, conformation, movement and temperment both Emmie and Sampson have - I am looking forward to a knock out foal. I believe she is pregnant but then again she likes to be a flirt so I will be having her confirmed in foal so all the aunties can mark her on their "expecting" list!
This foal will be AMHR eligible (Sampson is R only unfortunately), I'm guessing to mature about 32-33" and according to the color calculator I should end up with one of the following as a base color (listing Emmie as a silver buckskin as I believe she is), again I did not include their pinto genetics.
20.51% - silver buckskin, buckskin, silver bay or bay
6.25% - palomino or sorrel
1.37% - smokey black, silver smokey black, silver black or black
I am currently away from my computer with pictures on it of both my lovely girls but as soon as I get home this evening I will add some for all of you aunties! Also, barn cams WON'T be up and running through MareStare again this year in time for Missy to foal - but hopefully we will have better internet installed before Emmie's foaling since she is a maiden!
(PS: We had a name change from Tybee Tyme Minis to Little Wolf Ranch......full explanation and a "new addition" to be announced soon!)
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