Thank you, Appylover2, for posting this. I am so saddened by this unimaginable horror and my heart aches that it would hit a country so unable to deal with it.
For those looking for a trustworthy organization for a donation, Mercy Corps International has been helping victims of natural and manmade disasters for many years and does great work. I am in no way affiliated with them, just a believer in what they do.
I SO agree with Katiean about the vile comments made by that so-called "man of the cloth". All I can say is he will get what he deserves in time. I am appalled that anyone would allow such a subhuman to rise to such a position of prominence.
I'm glad to see that, once again, former presidents George Bush, Sr., and Bill Clinton have risen above their political differences for the sake of humanity. They set a great example.