Poor Maurice was down and away from home for 4 days so I have a lot of catching up to do.
Here's how Halloween went:
Maurice (my computer) and I were in the computer store while David my computer man began to operate. I was so worried because I was so afraid that he was going to end up in the closet with LaMar, my former computer. His wife who is 9 months pregnant called and said she was in horrible pain, so off he went rushing her to the ER and left me minding the store. I sold some ink. Cheers for me. Anyhow, I was watching the clock and knew I had to get home asap because the tiny Trick or Treaters would be there very early right after school and I also was going to have a bunch of teens partying and I had to get cooking and baking for them too. David finally called and told me to lock up because he wouldn't be back; his wife was passing a kidney stone. Oh goodness, poor girl, ouch, and poor Maurice who had never been away from home before.
I then rushed and I mean rushed to the grocery store and decided to just buy the darn cup cakes and more junk food because it was too late for baking. Then it occured to me that Dan's girlfriend is a vegatarian and she wouldn't be eating my buffalo wings or pizza so I had to get her something she could eat. So stupid me in a hurry wasn't thinking and for some reason I bought tuna to make a tuna noodle caserole. Well that didn't help since tuna is meat but by that time I was in such a hurry I didn't care and I was developing an attitude.
Get home just in time to get the horses stabled and fed and had to forego the grooming to get the ball rolling in the house. Ordered the pizzas from the general store and shoved the buffalo wings in the oven, made a tuna caserole anyhow, cooked that and set up a buffet for the teenagers in record speed. Picked up the pizzas in the nick of time, put on my Halloween costume, dressed up Tracey as here came the little tiny pre-schoolers up the stairs. How adaorable were they? I had about 20 of the teeny tiny ones and they were so cute!
Fed the dogs somewhere inbetween all this and now it's dark and the Trick or Treaters are coming in left and right. Got the strobe lights going on and the scarry music outside and the fog going on and the punkins all lit. Called Jerry to come home from work already and help and then here came the boys with thier girlfriends. Then more teenagers, then more trick or treaters. I had to put on some horror movies in all this that really set the stage. We had a few kids that had eggs and toilet paper but they got detoured quickly by our crowd of teens who were hiding stratigically outside and took their hijinks elsewhere. One kid had socked my mailbox with an egg but I got his 4 wheel tires right back with my stash that happened to be in my sweater pocket. Hey, got to be armed in these cases, right?
Dan decided to take off with his girlfriend the vegatarian on his 4 wheeler for a 30 minute ride or so to ride through the cemetary while the other teens here were busy running in and out and shoveling food in their faces inbetween scarring everyone that came in the driveway. This was one noisy place. It was fun but Jerry looked like he was getting a headache. By 8:00 we noticed that Dan had been gone for over two hours and we began to worry. Not like Dan to take off for 30 minutes and stay gone. By 10:00 PM we get some kids on the porch that said the woods were on fire down at the old church and had Jerry call 911. Sirens blazing from the volunteer fire department, but there was no fire. Somebody was going to get in trouble for that one. Dan's still missing with his girlfriend so five car loads of friends went in different directions to go out and try to find them, including daddy who was not amused, leaving me alone here which was kinda scarey. We thought the 4 wheeler could have broken down on a backroad or that there had been an accident. Well, still no sign of Dan and his girlfriend so Jerry and I had to make the decision to call her parents and tell them that they went missing somewhere on the mountains. She was due home at 10:00 PM and lived some 20 miles away. They came over and right about the time we decided to call the sheriff to help search, here they came chugging in the driveway like "what's to eat around here......?" Sure enough, they went on some back roads and and had 4 wheeler troubles with oil leaking everywhere and they were frozen and girlfriend was very happy to have my hot tuna caserole.
We closed the party down after that and thank heaven's because we were all so worn out. Flopped into bed and wow what a mess I had to clean up on Tuesday.
It was sad taking down all our fall and Halloween decorations and putting everything back into storage for another year. It was all worth it though.
Wednesday, I put up my Thanksgiving Decorations and that was fun.
Now, where's those 400 strands of Christmas lights???????
Here's how Halloween went:
Maurice (my computer) and I were in the computer store while David my computer man began to operate. I was so worried because I was so afraid that he was going to end up in the closet with LaMar, my former computer. His wife who is 9 months pregnant called and said she was in horrible pain, so off he went rushing her to the ER and left me minding the store. I sold some ink. Cheers for me. Anyhow, I was watching the clock and knew I had to get home asap because the tiny Trick or Treaters would be there very early right after school and I also was going to have a bunch of teens partying and I had to get cooking and baking for them too. David finally called and told me to lock up because he wouldn't be back; his wife was passing a kidney stone. Oh goodness, poor girl, ouch, and poor Maurice who had never been away from home before.
I then rushed and I mean rushed to the grocery store and decided to just buy the darn cup cakes and more junk food because it was too late for baking. Then it occured to me that Dan's girlfriend is a vegatarian and she wouldn't be eating my buffalo wings or pizza so I had to get her something she could eat. So stupid me in a hurry wasn't thinking and for some reason I bought tuna to make a tuna noodle caserole. Well that didn't help since tuna is meat but by that time I was in such a hurry I didn't care and I was developing an attitude.
Get home just in time to get the horses stabled and fed and had to forego the grooming to get the ball rolling in the house. Ordered the pizzas from the general store and shoved the buffalo wings in the oven, made a tuna caserole anyhow, cooked that and set up a buffet for the teenagers in record speed. Picked up the pizzas in the nick of time, put on my Halloween costume, dressed up Tracey as here came the little tiny pre-schoolers up the stairs. How adaorable were they? I had about 20 of the teeny tiny ones and they were so cute!
Fed the dogs somewhere inbetween all this and now it's dark and the Trick or Treaters are coming in left and right. Got the strobe lights going on and the scarry music outside and the fog going on and the punkins all lit. Called Jerry to come home from work already and help and then here came the boys with thier girlfriends. Then more teenagers, then more trick or treaters. I had to put on some horror movies in all this that really set the stage. We had a few kids that had eggs and toilet paper but they got detoured quickly by our crowd of teens who were hiding stratigically outside and took their hijinks elsewhere. One kid had socked my mailbox with an egg but I got his 4 wheel tires right back with my stash that happened to be in my sweater pocket. Hey, got to be armed in these cases, right?
Dan decided to take off with his girlfriend the vegatarian on his 4 wheeler for a 30 minute ride or so to ride through the cemetary while the other teens here were busy running in and out and shoveling food in their faces inbetween scarring everyone that came in the driveway. This was one noisy place. It was fun but Jerry looked like he was getting a headache. By 8:00 we noticed that Dan had been gone for over two hours and we began to worry. Not like Dan to take off for 30 minutes and stay gone. By 10:00 PM we get some kids on the porch that said the woods were on fire down at the old church and had Jerry call 911. Sirens blazing from the volunteer fire department, but there was no fire. Somebody was going to get in trouble for that one. Dan's still missing with his girlfriend so five car loads of friends went in different directions to go out and try to find them, including daddy who was not amused, leaving me alone here which was kinda scarey. We thought the 4 wheeler could have broken down on a backroad or that there had been an accident. Well, still no sign of Dan and his girlfriend so Jerry and I had to make the decision to call her parents and tell them that they went missing somewhere on the mountains. She was due home at 10:00 PM and lived some 20 miles away. They came over and right about the time we decided to call the sheriff to help search, here they came chugging in the driveway like "what's to eat around here......?" Sure enough, they went on some back roads and and had 4 wheeler troubles with oil leaking everywhere and they were frozen and girlfriend was very happy to have my hot tuna caserole.
We closed the party down after that and thank heaven's because we were all so worn out. Flopped into bed and wow what a mess I had to clean up on Tuesday.
Wednesday, I put up my Thanksgiving Decorations and that was fun.
Now, where's those 400 strands of Christmas lights???????