Oh boy! Do I know where you are coming from too! I also started out quite the talker-same results! Learn through experience! My thoughts have always been that some are way too "expressive" in their search for getting them ears up; but I too have sweated it out big time. I like the slightly less "spastic" approach if possible- and am always seeking ways to do it without being a distraction to the other horses, handlers and even the judge. I use more hand, wrist and arm movement (like you, I am 5', so I get away with less body contortions). My guys love the sound of cellophane (yum-peppermint candies),, but they can get bored with that too. So that's when I start the 'mystery game'- what's in my pocket, what's behind my back, nice and slow, fist up and flip it back down and back, etc. etc. Kind of like tantalizing and hypnotizing a child. It also keeps me from getting bored if the class is large too. In other words, keep me and the horse 'occupied' and amused (and hopefully them ears up and neck where it belongs). It's an art in itself and can be fun to work at and perfect. I try not to overdue it at home, so that in the ring it stays more interesting for them.