Happy National Day of Prayer!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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I am a Christian and I don't care if it is declared intolerant to celebrate. I have seen the power of prayer firsthand. God bless you all!
Amen sister! I am with you. Remember we need to always pray without ceasing. Especially with everything happening in the world today.
Blessings to you Tab, and to all........

Prayer can be in many forms, in many ways, and no one dictates to anyone about "WHO" or "WHAT" the prayer is directed to. I don't understand why people have a problem with it.
Prayer is prayer. No matter who or what you want to pray to. Worship is also worship and it is better to worship what ever you belive in that to just float through life with no thought. JMHO. Are you aware that the Morman Church helped to pay for and build they HerryChrishnia (I can't spell) Temple in Utah because they needed the help. They didn't try to make them belive their way. They (LDS) just helped them because it was the thing to do. Why can't we all do more of that rather than try to make people belive what you do rather than just give people the opertunity to make up their own minds. Also, as far as prayer, even if you do not belive in god or a greater being or what ever you want to call it, then why do even atheiests (again can't spell) say "Please let this be" like having a problem foal being born "Please let this foal be ok" you say as your are helping your mare. That is a prayer and you are saying it to someone or something you don't beilve in.
We all need more prayer.
Agreed! Happy National Day of Prayer. I'll be praying today for the happiness, safety, and success of all of my forum friends. God bless you all.
I only proclaim what I believe I definitely will not dictate who or what people pray to... As for me and my house we will serve Jesus

I know to whom I shout and who is always by my side
After I gave birth to Aiden I hemorrhaged. With every pulse I could feel my blood, my life force, pour out. The power of prayer and my trust in the Lord was there, and I didn't fear. Without fight I lost consciousness on the way to emergency surgery to stem the blood flow and if I were to slip away at that moment it would have been gentle.

Aiden was also sick and once they realized he wasn't breathing properly they sent him straight to the NICU. I had him on a Friday and didn't see him until Sunday when at 11 am (church) people all around were praying for that beautiful little boy.


At exactly that time (when churches all around were in prayer) they were able to take him off oxygen and he was able to breathe regular air. I will thank the Lord all my days for He has been good to me!

I have a friend who just lost her baby boy at full term, and her story is even greater than mine because even in the midst of this tragedy she still praises God! She knows it isn't the end of her story!


Aiden today on the left.
Baby brother Conor on the right

It's all about hope and faith, forgiveness and redemption! Being a Christian I still sin and I'm far from perfect, but I am forgiven
Praise God!

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