Has anyone done a community Thanksgiving?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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This is a fledgling project....a new idea......

We live in a fairly small community. The largest town, which we live 8 to 10 miles from has about 15,000 people. We buy groceries there and my daughter's school is there.....etc....

There is a "soup kitchen" which provides a hot meal once a day. And very soon there is going to be an over night shelter for the homeless. The goal is to have it be open Nov. 15.

I've never done this, but this last year I've played with the idea of having a "community Thanksgiving Dinner" which would include those who have no where else to go. I have the name of the person in charge of the homeless shelter.

I know this is short notice, but would love some ideas regarding who to "rope in" in the community, what to plan for, what to look out for....etc.

I am beginning to put together a LIST.
Has anyone done a community Thanksgiving?

Yes and it was called my house! And that is no joke. Whoever the kid's brought home that had no where else to go.

I'm not sure what to look out for, but if you can get any paperwork that shows this is a legit soup kitchen, and make a copy of all of it for yourself, I'm pretty sure you can go around to Walmart and all the other stores and ask them for support. Find out where the soup kitchen is getting their supplies first and be sure they even want to do this, or, don't have it planned already. Fabulous idea.
My mom did this last year at her church. She attends a small storefront church on Main Street in our town. She opened it up to any members from the church and also people from the community. We helped her prepare the food and we ate there also. We served "family style" so that it would feel like a Thanksgiving family dinner.

We didn't get many people from outside of her church, but it might take a year or so of doing it for word to spread. She will be preparing dinner again this year. We have found people are just real reluctant to come out, but we are hoping that people who need a dinner will come.

We also volunteer at another church in town which does a once a week dinner called "The Welcome Table." All are welcome every Thursday night regardless of income. Different churches volunteer and those that come to eat are served as if they are in a restaurant. My girls love volunteering - they think it is great serving and being the waitresses. Again, it is a different feel than cafeteria style and I think that is what helps it work.

I can't really answer any of your questions that you had as I wasn't in charge of the planning. Like I said, we didn't have a huge turnout the first year, which isn't unusual. We will see what happens this year!

Good luck and it is a wonderful thing you are taking on!


What will help is how much food for how many people? I have a list started..........
I know this is short notice, but would love some ideas regarding who to "rope in" in the community[snip]
Local politicians, election day just came and went, did you get a new mayor or anything like that? Call them and ask them if they would like to start helping the community immediately, rope them in for whatever you can get them to agree to. LOL Churches. Local law firms. Do you have a Wal-Mart nearby? If you can get ahold of the right person at Wal-Mart, they may donate something (even if you could just get them to donate napkins, styrofoam plates, and plastic forks; try for turkeys first, settle for what you can get and BE LIBERAL WITH THE THANK YOUS). Contact any newspapers in/near your area, see if they will write an article about the event, ask them if they would ask the community for food, items, and volunteers. Ask your local post offices if you can hang flyers asking for food, items, and volunteers. Anywhere people go every day or once a week in your town, ask to hang flyers.

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