Along with everything else that is going on around here my husband is having surgery on Monday. He has 3 discs in his neck that are injured (one so bad that it is tarting to press on his spinal cord. Our primary care physician put off doing anything about it. He finally sent him to get an xray and then physical therapy after the xray showed nothing. He had major pain in his arm and even though the doc didn't know what was wrong he sent him to pt and he ended up losing feeling in 3 of his fingers from one session of pt. It still took him awhile to decide to have an MRI done and finally allow him to go to an orthopedist. The day the orthopedist saw the MRI results he was on the phone personally calling a neurosurgeon and we were sent over to the neurosurgeon immediately. Anyway, they are going to repair work on the discs and then put a metal plate along the 3 discs that were herniated and he then has to wear a collar for 6-8 weeks after and for awhile can't pick up anything heavier than an empty coffee cup. Anyway, we are looking for people who have had this done so we kind of have an idea what to expect.