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WOW I got lots of replies! I am SO GLAD you guys liked my guinea 'pigtures'. I am actually a member of another forum for pigs. I cant even recall everything that was said to reply to. I do breed them. I just got into it. I like breeding them because they are not so numerous in this area. I go for show quality animals just like when I am looking for horses. If I am going to breed them, I better have good stock so I pay $20 - $35 or 40 (I cant recal) for my animals. There are verious others that we rescued from bad situations or we just liked them too much. I remember one that I got who was way too young to be sold and she was in with a bunch of bigger pigs who were all picking on her and chewing up her ears! She was terrified! When we picked her up she screamed and screamed. :no: She was supposed to be a boy so we named her Spencer. Turns out he was a she but the name stayed and she had two lovely babies. That was one of the sweetest pigs I have EVER had. They are all the best but this little sow purred the moment you picked her up to the moment you put her down. I LOVED her to pieces. She was a lemon agouti abysinian (sp?) mix. Tragically, my moms dog broke into her cage one day and killed her and her daughter. I was absolutely HEARTBROKEN.... My mom was horrified and blamed herself (to this day she beats herself up about it) That dog is lucky he is still with us and all other pigs stay in my room with the door closed. It was recent too. In January. Then of course before that I had lost Lily to a condition Satin guinea pigs get genetically (we got Lily from another breeder) this condition doesnt show up till they are a little over one year old so it showed up right on schedule. I spent a traumatic couple of days with her making sure she had the fluffiest towel, tube feeding and watering her and holding her telling her what a special girl she was/how pretty she was/how loved she was, while I prayed that God take her before I had to bring her to a strange vet office to be taken away. He granted my wish. She and Spencer and Silvi will always be held dear. Then of course before that I lost McKeever my mini (same month as Lily). It has not been a good time for me with that kind of thing. I have been very depressed about it.

Aside from my horses and of course dear friends, my guinea pigs are my 'worry stones'. They are VERY important to me. I have been blessed with such wonderful little creatures. All of them special. I have quite a managery at my house. I have read several familiar breeds from you guys and I will list what we have.

Peruvians, Silkies, Texel, crested, Himilayan, smooth coat, Abysinian, Peruvian/himi cross, coronet cross... I love my pigs! ^^

Simon Poses


baby Gambit and Lily






Spencer's babies Tucker (gold and white agouti) and Silvi (sivler and white agouti)


I have lots more pics

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