Have you gotten the swine flu vaccine yet?

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Got it Monday, and am feeling fine. I am 8 weeks pregnant, work with the public, have been going to the hospital more often that I would like and being around sick people, and several family members and neighbors have had the swine flu. I also live with two people who are at high risk. Ive never even had a flu shot until now, but we drove to a clinic 2 hours away to get it for me. I did have a weeks worth of sleepless nights after I made the appointment at the clinic because I worried about any problems it could cause for the baby. What scared me into getting it was the amount of people in my area that have the swine flu. 6 people on my street had it already, and I live on a street with maybe 15 houses. The night before I got it a 17 year old pregnant girl in my area died. I did get the single dose shot for pregnant women, with the inactive virus, and mercury or that one preservative (that I cant even spell)

I hope I made the right decision for our baby.
H1N1 has made it here in" Heidi Land "Switzerland... When Its available I will get a shot, even though I HATE needles. With so many people traveling in and out of countries I am surprised we dont have more cases. be well everybody this winter season, get lots of sleep , and stay warm.

I got it last week. Took 2 advil and never even had a sore arm.

FYI! Pregnant ladies are at extremely high risk for the swine flu. There have been many that have died FROM the H1N1 flu. Children and other high risk people should get it too. I am, an RN,.aking me high risk and have asthma. I got it!

I won't be getting the flu shot either. I'm in the high risk catagory as well but I stopped getting flu shots when I was12 or 13. However I feel the same was as alot of people, this vaccination in particular was not tested enough, 10 years down the road you could find that the people who had the vaccine now have some crazy health problem. My boyfriends mother got the shot last week and her arm was so sore she could hardly move it.
W.H.O. declares a level 6 pandemic when no pandemic exist, a few months ago

CDC stops testing for H1N1 specifically and lumps all flu's into H1N1 (perhaps H1N1 specific testing has restarted at this time, however it raised eyebrows a few months ago when they did this. Also it makes it really hard to track hard and true numbers when you're cooking the books in this fashion eh?)

This particular strain has been repeatedly termed no worse than "normal" flu by Dr.s and specialists all over the country.

No meaningful testing as has been previously noted. And yes you really do want testing or perhaps Julian Barre instead?.....

Previous poster is correct in that the "regular" flu shot is not tested either. However there is little sense in going through a testing period on a "vaccine" that is at best an educated guess as to specific strain. Any body care to hazard a guess as to the track record (accuracy wise) of such guess's?

In Vegas its called craps.

Increased levels of Thimerisol and Squalene

A host of other "adjuvents" as per the mfr. supplied sheet.

The mfrs' themselves and then the fed gov. start prepping folk for the large and increased numbers of complications they are expecting due to this "vaccine".

While there is much more I will stop with, what was for me, the topper.

New laws holding the "vaccine" mfr's harmless to suits (and therefore prosecutions) regarding the known complications that will effect families and individuals because of this specific "vaccine".

Well ain't that special.....

But I'm still trying to keep an open mind....

Im going to have to say that EVERYONE I know that has had the swine flu said it is much, much, worse than the regular flu. Unless the doctor has had both the regular flu and swine flu, Im not sure that they can say that it's no worse. Maybe on paper, but feeling wise I know people who have worked while sick with the flu, who had to call an ambulance to take them to the hospital with the swine flu. I also think it's a bigger deal than some people want to believe, at least in my area. Ive never seen this many people in my area with the regular flu in my entire life, as I have this season with the swine flu. As far as the shot making your arm sore, I literally did not even feel my shot, and my arm did not get sore at all. I had my mom go with me in case I had a reaction(she is a nurse and I trust her to make any health care decisions with me), and I even asked her if the nurse had the needle in all the way, and she said yes. A lot of the after pain with shots depends on the person giving the shot. Now, when I get a tetanus shot those hurt like heck.
Due to being a 12 year cancer survivor and now a diabetic as well I have gotten the regular flu shot every year for the past 12 or so years, and I was finally able to get the H1N1 shot the other day. No adverse reactions to any of them. I had a very slightly sore arm iwth the H1N1 but that was due to the nurse giving it very very high up on my arm--almost at the shoulder point but nothing else.

I can't tell others what to due, but I sure was not passing up the shot. One of my best friends works in a very small 3 person office and she manned that office by herself for over 2 weeks while her co-workers were out with the flu, one is now back the other is still out.

I encourage folks with young children to really consider it--we have had several children here in OK that have been in ICU for over 2 months and are slowly recovering. One had no other underlying health conditions and two have had other health problems.
That would be no, and no. I dont think things our FDA releases for use is tested nearly enough to reveal the TRUE stats............

And just a piece of trivia.....in 1976, swine flu immunizations were canceled after 10 days due to public fear. LOL
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I am also one of those that will not be getting the shot, nor will anyone in my family. (Knock on wood) I haven't had the flu since I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade, which has been 21-22 years. Bad cases of food poisoning yes, but the flu, no. My grandmother got the regular flu shot about 4 years ago (for the first time at age 82) because another family member repeatedly pushed it on her, and she nearly died because of it. I just recently overheard another man (who appeared to be in his middle 40's) telling a woman about his similar experience after getting the shot. And just this past Monday, my coworker got a flu shot first thing in the morning. She came to work for 2 hours, then had to go home sick. I haven't seen her since. So no, with what I've heard about the regular flu shot, I will definately not be getting the swine flu shot, especially when there has been practically no testing on it.
NO...if I was in high risk category I would consider it, but I agree with others who have said not enough is really known about this vaccine. I have heard that the the company that manufactures it has been given immunity for any damages, etc...that this vaccine may cause...so in other words, they are not going to be held responsible, that in it's self doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling..
I just got off the phone with my sister. She went to a funeral Monday for a co-worker. He was in Central America on business, caught swine flu, developed pneumonia and died in hospital. He was young and had no underlaying health issues.
Wanted to add...The first quarter of 2009 in the U.S., over 13,000 people died from the seasonal flu...I will get a seasonal flu shot, but still not the n1h1 vaccine.
I turned down a free ("regular") flu shot at work a couple of weeks ago and I won't be getting the "swine flu" flu shot either. I don't think I would be considered "high risk" to qualify for it anyway. I try to get as few vaccinations as possible except for tetanus as I seem to constantly stay cut up from bumping/running into things, playing with wire fencing materials, etc. If a vaccination were required by law (such as the required yellow fever vaccination for travel to Africa and tropical South America) I would certainly obey the law (no worries though as I don't fly! LOL).
All of the damaging ingredients aside, a persons underlying immune system has quite a bit to do with vaccine complications. The weaker the immune system, the higher the possibility of complications. Some of the same people that are in the "high risk" category are also dealing with immuno deficiency and are at at a higher risk for "complications". Problem has been and is that no immune system testing is done on anybody prior to vaccination. We just shoot em all up. An otherwise healthy person shows no sign of immune system deficiency. Sticking with the Vegas theme, this strikes me as vaccine roulette.

Anecdotal evidence runs a two way street. While we should not be dismissive of such evidence, it takes a large amount of anecdotal evidence to budge or start moving fact. And it never supplants or replaces fact and hard science. However in this vein, there is a certain Redskins cheerleader that would like some truthful answers for the Vac. mfr. and Gov folk who released this "vaccine" on the public. She went from healthy to bed bound overnight. Because of concerted efforts, the public in the past has RARELY heard of this kind of damage done by "vaccines". I was just yesterday reading about a number of recent (H1N1) case histories regarding this specific "vaccine". They are large in number, even though many are diagnosed incorrectly for various reasons (the numbers are most likely much higher), and it is sad that so many have been severely sickened, had their quality of life permanently destroyed and died because they had received "vaccines".

Vaccine damage and death go back many decades and are legendary even though you rarely hear about same outside of research circles. Vaccine mfr. "mistakes" are also legendary. Wasn't too long ago that Baxter was hammered for sending bird flu tainted vaccines to Europe. Luckily those European countries had the foresight to test the "vaccine" before releasing it to the public. When their ferrets died they stopped the issuance of that vaccine.

This has happened repeatedly over the years and sees to be accelerating.

All of the above completely leaves out of the discussion, the significant issues regarding vaccine components and ingredients. It also leave out the "science" behind vaccines going back to Jenner's "discovery". It also leaves out the quite significant ability of virus' ability to mutate rendering your vaccine useless for its intended purpose.

Please follow your conscience and do what you feel is best for you and yours. Just understand that there is another side to the story and I would encourage you to study everything you can regarding your decision. There is a mountain of evidence available to you if you seek it out.

Mine is but one opinion,

i dont plan on getting any of the flu shots. I dont see the point with the reading up on it i have done. it only coveres the one strain and is not 100% that you wont get it. you got to think that the viris wants to live to so it adjust to do that as long as it can.
What makes swine flu more dangerous than ordinary flu--in spite of the higher number of deaths from regular flu, those are most often in people that have underlying health issues, people that are elderly, or sick otherwise. Swine flu is killing healthy young people that have no existing health problems...teenages and young, healthy women that are pregnant but have no health issues--basically it is killing people that shouldn't have to worry about dying from the flu!

I started getting the flu shot in 1985, after an especially bad case of the flu--never have I been so sick as I was that fall (and I'm one that always seemed to come down with whatever flu bug was around, that one was just especially nasty), and since I'd had lung surgery several months prior to that my doctor said that I should consider getting the flu vaccine every year. I decided it was worth a try, and I've been glad I did. I do still get the flu, but am not seriously sick with it and never have anything more than a mild reaction to the vaccine--some years no reaction at all.

With many people here now having been vaccinated for swine flu, and none that I've heard say they've had anything more than a sore arm and perhaps chills or tiredness for a day or two afterward, I'm feeling confident that the vaccine is as safe as the regular flu vaccine.

For sure I haven't seen any people that have grown pink snouts and floppy ears, so this is a good thing!!
I absolutely will get the swine flu vaccine when it becomes available to me. I have not seen any documented evidence it is unsafe. Also, as far as research and testing - this has had a stricter testing than most and has been deemed safe. Please research for yourself and don't rely on hear say. I actually overheard someone say that they had read "a lot of terrible things on facebook". What? This is far too important an issue to rely to social networking sites. Check the CDC and other qualified sites.

Best of luck to all.

You BET I will, if/when it becomes available to me ( I am not in what is considered one of the 'high risk' groups, being a senior with no chronic health issues, and born before 1950!)

I have now gotten the seasonal flu vaccine for several years in a row; never had more than a transient redness/soreness around the injection site, and usually, not even that. I remember the days BEFORE a vaccine for polio-when we had to avoid our river 'Beach park' at Carlsbad, NM, due to outbreaks, and when one of my dear friends' older brother ended up w/ bulbar polio, was in an iron lung, and later died; my mother's oldest brother, then 19, died in the 1919 flu epidemic.

I don't believe that ANY vaccine is 100% effective;and, that there will ALWAYS be some people who will have a reaction to one or more vaccines. With EVERY person an individual, this is inevitable; to try to 'test' EVERYONE ahead of time for possible reactions, IMO, just isn't feasible nor reasonable, especially during an outbreak or when one is eminent. If you have compelling reasons to suspect you will have an adverse reaction, then yes, you should consult w/ your doctor about it BEFORE taking a vaccination...but to dismiss vaccination in toto is to risk going back to some VERY BAD 'old days', IMO.

I also received a 'booster' DPT three years ago, on my Dr's advice, and a shingles vaccination last year(I had chicken pox as a child). My Dr. has been mentioning the pneumonia vaccination to me for several years, but as one can only receive it twice, 5 years apart, I am trying to wait until I am (even!)older, as I plan on numerous years ahead!

As a teacher in my early twenties, I caught the mumps from one of my mid-school students; I ended up hospitalized for SEVERAL days, and was NEVER so sick, before or since...again, this was BEFORE a vaccine was developed. If you want to be reminded of how 'good' we generally have it today, just research how it was BEFORE many of today's vaccines...or worse, neglect proper administration of vaccines to those who need them, and find out the hard way.

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